Chapter 4

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Klaus's POV.
Last night was definitely not enjoyable. No one talked everyone just ate. Surprisingly that was probably was one of the best dinners we've had as a family. No death threatens.

I walk to Into the kitchen and see Elijah thinking about something.

"Good morning Elijah."

"Good morning Niklaus. Are you busy this afternoon?"

"No I'm not. Why?"

" I decided it would be nice to invite Caroline and her family over for dinner."

"I would think you would want to keep them away after what happen yesterday."

"You see brother keeping them away would be almost impossible seeing that most people in this house want them here."

I just nodded and grabbed a blood bag. I was more than ok with Elijah inviting Caroline over just to see Caroline. I didn't realize I misses so much till she came back. This time I won't let her leave again.

Hayley POV.
I overheard Klaus and Elijah talking. They wanted to invite that vampwhore and her family over here. They have no right to do that. I mean it'll ruin the whole plan. I was trying to convince Klaus and me to get married for the kids sake and I almost got through the to him until Caroline showed up and had to ruin everything. Hahah I'll show them. Just you wait.

Caroline's POV.
"Girls wake up we are going somewhere in 30 minutes! You got to get ready." I yelled at the girls

They stumble out of bed and start brushing there teeth. I was about to go down stairs to get breakfast when someone called me.

"Hey Bekah what's up." I asked

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today?"

"Well were about to go to The Audubon Zoo. Wanna come?"

"Umm spending a day with animals does sound fun butI get enough of that at home, but what is Emily doing."

"Oh I don't know she said she didn't want to go. Do you want to talk to her?"

" yeah. Thanks care."

"No problem."

I'm really happy that Rebekah and Emily are getting along well they deserve some girl time. 

I walk into Emily's room. She sitting on her bed on her phone.

"Bekah wants to talk to you."

"Yay give me the phone!" She says taking it from me. I walk out of the room to giver her privacy.

When I get to my room the girls are ready.

Lizzie is wearing a light pink sundress that reached her knees and cute flower sandals with her hair down.

Josie was wearing white high waisted short, a red tank top, with black high top converse, and a messy bun.

I look at both of my kids and smile I am proud of my little fashion stars. I hear the door open and close and see Emily come in with a maroon crop top, high waisted black shorts, and black converse. Josie is a minny Emily.

"Emily and Josie you guys look so cute."

Emily looks at Josie and then her self and smiles. "I tough you well my child" she said to Josie. I just laughed. She looked over at me and smiled. " you and Lizzie look similar too." She said.

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