Chapter 28

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Caroline's POV.
"Mommy! We need more popcorn!" I hear Lizzie yell.

"Um excuse me. That wasn't very polite." I say walking into the living room where my kids and Hope are.

I was about to have a discussion when Klaus walked in with a bowl of popcorn.

"Here you go." Klaus says handing the children popcorn.

Lizzie takes the popcorn and continues to chat on.

"Klaus. I was trying to teach Lizzie some manners when you completely ruined it." I said hitting his arm.

"I'm sorry Caroline, but they're enjoying themselves. Let's them have their fun." He replied pulling me closer to him. 

"Fine. I'll deal with it tomorrow."

"We will."


"Yes. I want to be in Lizzie's and Josie's life as much as I can. I want them to feel like they belong."

I tried to fully register what Klaus had said to me. I still can't believe this man used to be someone who only cared about himself. Now he wants to be apart of my kid's lives.

"I would love if you could." I said with a smile on my face.

"I would do anything to make you happy and from what I've heard from Hope, they're good kids. Which I have no doubt in my mind, since you raised them."

I pull Klaus closer and kiss him. He kisses back with as much, if not more, passion and love.

"Can you get anymore perfect?" I asked.

"Mmm... I don't think so." He grinned making me laugh.

Rebekah's POV.
"Yes." I said into my phone.

A mans voice rang out the other end. His voice was strong and loving.

"Yeah, I'll meet you there." I said again into the phone.

Even after all this time. He can still give me butterflies in my stomach. He always knows how to make me smile.

"Goodbye." I ended the call already missing him.

Gosh Rebekah, get a hold of yourself. Your starting to sound like Nik.

I laced my fingers through my soft dress. All I could think about is if he would like it.

You'd think getting your heart broken so many times, you'd learn. That never happened to me. I will always be looking for love. Love has always been one of my main goals.

That is something I hate about my brother. He can be a horrible person and shut people out, but still found the love of his life. He got such an amazing person like Caroline. He also got to have a beautiful child. Something I will never get.

A tear flowed down my face, but I quickly wiped it. Wouldn't want to ruin my makeup.

Kol's POV.
Another sleepless night. My mind wondering to a certain perfect witch. My mind was always on her.

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