Chapter 19

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Emily's POV.
"A part of I've never see. You took my soul and wiped it clean. Our love was mad for movie screens."  I sang silently as I threw last piece of broken lamp in a trash bag.

I hear a knock at the door. I walked over and opened the door to see someone I was not expecting.

"Hi Elijah what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Caroline said you needed help with the bags." He says pointing to the three bags of trash I have.

I am not even done yet.

"Oh she didn't tell me." I said.

Of course Caroline didn't tell me. I swear if she wasn't my only family left I would kill her.

"Can I come in?" Elijah asked.

"Yeah." I said opening the door enough to let him in.

As he walked past me his shoulders brushed mine. I felt a spark go through my body. I shut the door and turned around.

Bonnie's POV.
"Ok just look at the candle and focus all your energy into it." I said to Josie.

She did as I said and lit the candle perfectly. I smiled with pride.

I hear giggle and turn around to see Kol and Lizzie laughing. I walk over there.

"Oh my stop!" I scream pushing the stupid original out of the way.

"What?" Lizzie asked giggling.

There was now a big whole in the wall.

"Lizzie go over to your sister she'll explain what you have to do." I said calmly.

"Otay." Lizzie said before skipping over to her sister.

"Kol outside." I said walking out of my hotel room.

I could hear him follow me out.

"Damn it Kol. I asked you hear to help not create a mess." I exclaimed.

"We were just messing around." Kol said carelessly.

"Um messing around? You made a whole in my wall!" I screamed.

"I'll get it fixed. It's not really a big deal."

"Kinda is Kol."

"I'm sorry Bon." He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Your going have to do more than apologize."

"Challenge excepted."

I shook my head before walking back into my room. Josie and Lizzie were running around the hotel.

"What are you girlies doing?" I asked.

"Looking for more candles!" Josie exclaimed.

"Here I think I have some." I said opening the bathroom door and getting two candles.

I walked over and sat next to the girls on the floor. I put the two candles down.

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