Chapter 7

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Klaus's POV.
I was getting Hope ready for the art museum.

"Ok sweetheart what do you want to wear?" I ask.

"Umm." She say looking at her closet full of clothes. She finally picks out a yellow sundress with pink butterflies.

"You need my help?"

"No daddy I got it." I watch as she dresses herself and picks out some knee high sandals. My little princess is growing up by the second. I remember when I had to get her dresses and picked out her clothes.

"Daddy can you curl my hair?"

"That's probably not a good idea honey." I say chuckling. "I'll go get Rebekah." I added.

I walk out of Hopes bedroom looking for Rebekah when I can't find her I go to Hayley's room.

"Hayley, can you curl Hopes hair? I can't find Rebekah." I ask.

"Yeah sure. Where are you guys going?" She asks walking to Hopes room.

"We're going to the Art museum. Right Hope."

"Yes daddy!" She says playfully.Hayley picks her up Hope and takes her to the bathroom. I might not like Hayley, but she's a good mother.

About ten minutes later they walk out of the bathroom. Hope walks over to me and gives me a smirk.

"How do I look daddy?" She ask twirling.

At that moment she looked like the sun. A bright light shining over the darkness that is her family.

"You look beautiful Hope." I say picking her up. "Are you ready to go?" I added. She just nodded.

Caroline's POV.
"Did you get the girls ready?" I ask Emily nervously putting my earrings on. I was wearing a floral dress, jean jacket, and brown wedges.

The girls walk out of Emily's room. Lizzie is wearing a Polk a dot dress and sparkly silver flats. Josie was wearing a black and white patterned dress and black flats. They looked so cute.

I then saw Emily in a white dress and brown sandals.

"Where are you going?" I ask eyebrows raised.

"Oh I'm going to Lunch with Rebekah." She said throwing her hair in a cute messy ponytail.

"Ok." I say and grab my phone it's almost 11:30 I better get down stairs.

We walk down to the lobby. We grab a cookie and wait outside.

"Oh don't you girls look wonderful." I hear a voice say. I turn around and see Klaus.

"Well thank you y'all look wonderful also." I said walking up to them.

"It's all her." He said pointing to Hope. I love seeing Klaus like this. As a caring father.

"Would you like this." I bent down giving Hope the cookie.

"Yes! Thank you!" She said running toward Josie and Lizzie. They start talking about their cookies.

"They are so cute." I say to klaus.

"That they are. Now let's get going." He said.

"Come on girls." I said motioning them towards us. We all walk to Klaus's car.

We get there around 11:45. Klaus pays for the tickets and we go in. I am impressed as soon as I walk in. The paintings and sculptures are magnificent.

"This is is..." I say trying to find a word.

"Perfect." He said staring at me. I just nod and go back to looking at the paintings.

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