Chapter 18

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Caroline's POV.
"Lizzie get over here!" I yell.

She just laughs and walks away.

"Lizzie get over here!" I yell vamp speeding to her.

"Yes mommy?" She says innocent.

"Go to our room."

"Ok. Josie-"

"No. By yourself."

"But mom-"



She walked to her room.

"Josie you stay in the living room." I yelled to her.

I sat on the dinning room holding my head. I love my girls. They usually really good, but there kids.

"Hey what's wrong?" Emily said sitting beside me.

"Lizzie and Josie have been getting on my nerves lately and there magic is starting to get stronger. There destroying the house." I said pointing around.

A broken arm chair, lamp, dresser, and tv.

"Maybe we should get them some magic help." Emily suggested.

"Who?" I asked.

Who would I trust with my kids and is a good teacher with magic.....

"Wait Bonnie!" I yelled.

"She'll be perfect." Emily agreed.

I heard a loud band coming from the living room. I started getting up.

"I'll get it. You just try to call Bonnie." Emily said getting up.

--Phone conversation--
Bonnie: Hello.

Caroline: Het Bonnie.

Bonnie: What's up Caroline?

Caroline: I might need your help with something.

Bonnie: Anything.

Caroline: I need you to teach the girls magic.

Bonnie: Oh my god! They already have it?

Caroline: Definitely there distorting the house.

Bonnie: Yes I will! I'll be over in an hour?

Caroline: Yeah that's good. Thank you Bonnie.

Bonnie: No problem. Bye.
--End of phone conversation--

I lean my back against the back of the chair. Life just keeps throwing me things. I know I'll be fine like I always am.

Bonnie's POV.
"Kol do you want to come with me?" I asked Kol closing my book.

"Anything to spend time with you." Kol grinned in an annoying but cute way.

"Remember we cannot tell anyone yet." I said.

"Why? Nik is in love with Caroline and she actually loves him back and Elijah is getting all close with Emily. There'll understand." Kol said walking over to me.

"I just want to take it slow and not tell anyone. This is my choice." I replied.

He placed his arms around me and brought out faces together.

"You will be the death of me." Kol whispered.

I pressed are lips together.

Who new me out of anyone would be with someone like Kol. Weird.

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