Chapter 22

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Caroline's POV.
"How about it girlies? Want to go to the carnival?" I asked.

The girls jump up and down in excitement. I take that as a yes.

The girls and I get ready for the carnival. While getting ready I decide I should invite Emily.

•Phone conversation•
Emily: Hello.

Caroline: Hey Em. Wanna go to the carnival?

Emily: Yeah sure.........Can I invite Kol?

Caroline: Sure. How is he?

Emily: Better.

Caroline: Ok I'm just leaving the house.

Emily: That's good see you.
•End of phone conversation•

I get in my car and drive to the Mikealson Mansion.


When I get their I see Emily, Kol, Hope, and Hayley standing outside of the house.

The more the better right?

Emily's POV.
"Caroline said you can come." I told Kol.

Kol nods and takes a sip of his coffee.

I really think this will be good for Kol. It'll take his mind off things.

Hope and Hayley walk in the kitchen followed by Elijah and Klaus.

Elijah walks over to me. I can't help, but smile. He leans down and kisses me on the cheek.

"Good morning." I say.

"Good morning Emily." Elijah replies.

"Caroline invited me and Kol to the carnival. Do you want to go?" I asked.

"I'd hate to say, but me and Niklaus have business to attend." He says.

"Oh ok that's fine." My smile shrinking slightly.

I went back to my coffee.

"Can me and Hope tag along? If you don't mind." Hayley asked.

"Yeah sure. Lizzie and Josie will be exited." I replied.

I decided to clear the slate for me and Hayley. The past is in the past and I forgive her.

Kol's POV.
"She should be almost here. Why don't we wait outside for her?" Emily asks.

"Yeah." I mumble.

We see Caroline's car. We get in the car. Caroline and Hayley in the front, in the second row me, and Emily, and the girls in the back.

I can't get over the fact that Bonnie's not here. No matter what I do I can't get her out of my head and how could I? She's perfect.

My thoughts are always Bonnie-Bonnie-Bonnie-Bonnie.

"Are you ok?" Emily asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say.

She shakes her head knowing I'm lying, but she doesn't push.

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