Chapter 3

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Caroline's Pov.
"Ok well I'm going to get the Kids. Try not to get trouble while I'm gone, Emily." She frowned at me as I said it. I just laughed.

I walked up the stairs looking for my kids. I hear giggle and follow the noise and fine myself in a beautiful room made for a princess.

"Lizzie. Josie. It's time to get going."
"But mom" Lizzie whined
"No Whining come on let's go!"
Lizzie and Josie frowned at me.
"Can we come back?" Josie asked.
"Of course we can sweetie come on."

I walked to get there hands. They both said bye to Hope while I just stood there starring at her.

"You look just like you father, Hope"
She smiled and looked at me with her beautiful blue-green eyes and dirty blonde hair.
"Thank you" she whispered giving me a hug.
"Here" I said giving her a lollipop from my purse.
"Thank you! Byyye!"

I turn around to see klaus staring at us.

Klaus' s Pov.
I watch at Hope and Caroline talking. It made my heart feel warm for some reason. I'm glad Hope likes Caroline. She turns around and looks at me as I stand in the doorway. She smiles at me and can't help but smile back.

" I assume I'll be seeing you more, love."I say grinning
"Yes. It seems our girls are getting along very well" Caroline said smiling bigger as she walks toward me. I move out of her way and watch her step out.

"Hi honey. Did you have a nice time?"
"Yes! Daddy there really nice." Hope said smiling
"Well I'm glad sweetheart. Now come on let's say good bye to our guest."
She ran over to me and gave me a hug. My heart melted away. I love her more than anything in the world.
"Can I have a piggy back ride." She gave me the puppy dog eyes. She's definitely my daughter. I throw her on my back and start walking down the stairs.

Caroline's Pov.
I walked down stairs looking for Emily.
"Emily come on"
"I'm coming" she said walking out of the kitchen followed by Elijah and Rebekah.
"Elijah did Emily give you any trouble?"
"Hey I'm not a child!" She told me before he could answer.
"Well sometimes you act like it." I say laughing.
"Well it's called having fun you should try it sometimes." She said grinning.

"We can definitely arrange that."
I look up and see Klaus smirking, almost not noticing Hope on his back.
I roll my eyes.

"Ah brother I thing she would have fun with me, right darling". I turn around a see Kol. I haven't seen him since Elena and Jeramy killed him. I just stare at him in surprise.
"See something you like?" Kol grinning
"No just haven't seen you in a while"
"Ahh that's because your-
"Hey, Could we not in front of the children!" I hear klaus yell at Kol.
"Don't get all mad Klaus it's all good." He says putting his hands up in the air.
I roll my eye's at Kol. Still the same guy.

Kol's Pov.
I look around see a very pretty girl standing next to Elijah and Rebekah. I walk over to her.

"Hello Darling, I'm Kol the handsome brother. Who might you be?" I say Kissing her hand.
" I'm Emily, Caroline's cousin."
"Ah see good looks run in the family."
She blushes and smiles. I know she liked me.
"Thank I'm going now."  She walks away leaving me standing there. I guess I was wrong. Whatever.

Elijah's pov.
"Goodbye Ms. Forbes."
"I'm only letting you call me Ms. Forbes this last time. From now on it's Emily." Emily said smirking at me. She surprisingly pulled me in a hug.
"Nice meeting you" she whispers as she hugs me.
"The pleasure is all mine." I say breaking the big.

She says goodbye to Niklaus and Rebekah. Then slowly walks over to hope.
"Hello Hope, I'm Emily and I can tell we're gonna be great friends" she said to Hope.
"Yay" hope says. Emily whispers in her ear something I couldn't make out and Hope started giggling like crazy. I smiled at the sight. Emily seemed like a very loving and caring person.

No one's pov.
It was 6pm, dinner time. Everyone started coming down to eat.
A:picture of where they sit

"Hayley, how was your day?" Elijah asked.
"Oh it was ok I got to run some errands and go grocery shopping without Hope so it went by fast." She answered.
"Hope was very good today."

Hayley faces her daughter and smiled.
"What did you do today?" Hayley asked
"Well I woke up and ate breakfast then Daddy helped me brush my teeth. I went to the park with Rebekah then I got home and daddy made me lunch and we went into his office. After that some of Auntie's friends came over and we played. There mom was really nice to me. She gave me a lollipop. Then they left. And know we're here." Hope answered giggling.

Rebekah's pov.
"Who came over?" Hayley asked rather rudely. Agh I hate Hayley if it wasn't for Hope I would rip her heart out. Agh, but I can't.

"Oh just some friends visiting." I said calmly everyone looking at me.

"Umm do I know them?" Ugh she's so needy.

"One of them. Three of them I met today" I just looking at my food eating. I know I could give her a straight answer but this is fun.

"Who?" She asked angrily.

"Oh My new friends are Josie, Lizzie, and Emily. Agh I love Emily we are like best friends. Like even bloody Elijah seems to like her. Ahh she's so pretty and nice. She has really pretty hair -

"Who else" she interrupted me. I looked at her with an hurt expression ,but she didn't care.

"Oh yeah Caroline" I said casually as I watched her get irritated. She does not like Caroline at all. Probably because her and Tyler were dating and he wouldn't break up with her. Or maybe because who baby daddy was in love with her. I don't know.

No one's pov.
The table went silent. No one wanted to be the first so they all sat in silents.

"Auntie?" Hope said towards Rebekah
"Yes, hope." Rebekah asked
"Can your friends come over again? I had a lot of fun." Hope giving Rebekah the puppy dog face.
"Of course whenever you want."

, The room was again silent. Klaus was trying to hold back a smile, hope was just giggling to herself, Hayley looked.  ver angry, Elijah was thinking of ways he can fix this, Kol was chucking, and Rebekah was smirking.

Caroline's pov.
"Fast food! Fast food! Fast food!" Emily, Josie, and Lizzie yell while marching.

"Fine." I sighed. They can always get me to do whatever they want. Agh I
Guess we're getting fast food.

"Here this is the phone number to a pizza place." Emily handed me a menu. I dial the number and a man answers the phone. His voice sounds so familiar.

"Hello this is Joes pizza what can I get you?" A mans voiced asked
"Yeah can I get 2 large meat lover pizza?"
"What's your name?"
"Caroline why-
He hung up on me rude!

I called back and a women answers and I just ordered didn't even bother telling her. It was weird I swear I've heard that voice before and then when he heard my name he hung up. Weird?

We ate dinner and then settled into your beds. I can not go to sleep. Ugh! I keep thinking about klaus, again. It started happening a little after my 18 birthday. I would think about him almost every night before o fell asleep. It eventually stopped, but now it's started up again.

I'm thinking about his smiles. His dimples.  His smirk. His accent. Him with his daughter. And how much I missed him calling me "love". I didn't realized how much I missed him until now. 

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