Chapter One- My One And Only

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Ayano Aishi mumbled as she turned in her bed. Her eyelids fluttered open.
She blinked and her eyes moved slowly around her room. It was a weird dream she had... she couldn't remember much, but there was definitely a dark haired boy in it... somewhere...

Her head turned to her bedside table just as her eyes focused properly. Ayano swore loudly and threw back her bedsheets as her bedside clock informed her that she had ten minutes to get ready for school.

Ayano got dressed hurriedly, brushed her teeth and washed her face before running down the stairs. She dropped two pieces of bread into the toaster and poured milk and cereal into a bowl. She then rushed around, looking for everything she needed. When she finally returned to the kitchen, her cereal was soggy mush but Ayano didn't have time to get more.

She grabbed bag and a slice of toast then bolted out the door and in the direction of Akademi High. She cursed to herself for being so stupid. It was the first day in year two and she was late. Perfect. She usually made her own breakfast anyway but it was strange not to see her mom or her dad-


Ayano hit the concrete pavement, dropping her uneaten toast but still clutching her briefcase-like bag in her other hand. "Oww..." Suddenly there was another voice, which was clearly flustered. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going! Do you need a hand?" Ayano looked up.

She stared. Standing in front of her was the boy from her dream, holding out his hand, offering to help her up! "T-thanks..." Ayano muttered as she brushed off her clothes. "Are you OK? He asked, sounding concerned.

" Oh... I'm fine, thanks..." Ayano blushed and looked at the boy again. He had messy raven coloured hair, dark gray eyes and pale skin... her dream... was this him? "I'm so glad to hear that, I was worried that you were hurt!"

Ayano's soul seemed to clench up...
Like the usual, empty numbness was being filled...

"Thank you..." The boy gasped. "School! Sorry, I better go!" And with that he began to walk away quickly.
A high pitched, irritated voice rang out.

"There you are idiot!" Ayano turned around to see a girl with long orange pigtails and pink and white spotted stockings standing in front of the boy, hands on her hips.

"Sorry, I forgot to set my alarm clock..." Ayano smiled at the sound of his deep, soft voice but it quickly turned into a frown. She hid behind a nearby wall and listened.

"You dummy, you haven't changed at all from when we were kids!" "A childhood friend?" Thought Ayano. "I'm sorry..." The boy hung his head. "It's not like I wanted to be here anyway... baka... I'm only here because you would be hopeless without me!" The pigtailed girl half shouted.

Good grief... he's just horrible to him!

Ayano thought furiously.

And she is too close to him for my liking...

The girl flipped her hair impatiently. "Whatever... let's just go already..."

Ayano waited for them to pass before heading on towards school. Looking at her watch, she knew that she would only be a couple minutes late. On arrival, she changed her shoes quickly and went to class. She couldn't focus on the lesson however, she was daydreaming about the boy she learned from the school register was a year older than her... a senpai... her senpai.

When class was over she headed to the courtyard, where she watched the boy eat lunch, whilst only picking at her own. A similar routine followed the rest of the day, and it was only when she was leaving school that her good mood was wiped.

"Why don't you just keep me waiting even longer up next time moron!" The pigtailed girl was standing at the school gates as senpai hurried up to her. As they walked away together, Ayano noticed a definite blush on the girl's face.

Ayano's hands formed into fists subconsciously.

At home, Ayano pulled out some paper and wrote all her innermost feelings and affections for her senpai onto the paper in neat, tiny writing. She had addressed it to 'Taro Yamada', the boy's name.

When she was done, Ayano folded the paper and tucked it into a fresh envelope. Sealing it with a pink heart sticker, she put it into her bag, promising herself that she would someday give it to senpai.

Now it was 8:00 pm and Ayano was just lying on her bed when she heard a beep. She sat up straight and woke up her phone.

The screen lit up.
'One new message'


Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now