Chapter Fourteen -The Sports Kids

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Authors Note:
The students I will create for the clubs and fillers are not OCs. They're appearances and names are all just randomly generated for the purposes of the story.
Ayano had her morning taken up by her furiously detailing and fine-tuning her plan and when lunchtime rolled around she knew where she needed to be.

In order to make her plan work, she would need to get closer to Asu Rito
She hurried closer to the sports track, where three people were chatting.

There was a girl with a long brown ponytail wearing runners who was doing stretches, a boy with messy violet hair wearing the red armband of leadership and... Her...

Asu and the other girl stopped laughing and chatting when Ayano approached. "Um, excuse me..." She said to the boy, eying the armband. "You're the sports club leader right?"

The boy grinned proudly. "Yes, my name is Akio Saji, now, what did you want?" Ayano looked directly into his eyes. "Actually I was interested in joining the club." She said.

"Well we don't have a meeting tonight but you can come and we can see what you've got!" Piped in the brown haired girl pointing at herself and Akio. "My name is Nami Satoya, the vice president of this club. Your name?"

"Oh uh, Ayano. Ayano Aishi." Ayano replied, taking in the enthusiastic and lively nature of these people.

"I'm sure that Aya-chan can eat lunch with us today, so that we can get to get to know her better!" Asu suddenly spoke up. Ayano held herself well enough not to growl at her. All three students smiled at Ayano expectingly.

Ayano agreed and soon sat down with the odd trio on the grass and ate. Three more students came, also sports club members and sat with them.

She was introduced to everyone and they were just eating and laughing until a boy with blue curly hair said "We should pack up now, the afternoon class bell should ring anytime now."

The sports club packed their stuff away and began to walk away in a group, still chatting. Ayano picked up her bag and left for her language class, thinking how much luck she may need for the plan to work.

The class came and went, and Ayano was waiting patiently beside the running track for Akio and Nami to turn up. She was in her gym uniform and was watching the two dots in the distance get bigger and bigger.

"Good to see you've come prepared!" Nami said once they were close enough, pulling a timer out of her pocket. "We want you to run three laps OK?" Akio said.

Ayano began to run the second the whistle blew. She moved quickly and lightly, steadying her breaths just right to get the best possible run speed.

Ayano knew how naturally strong she was. But most other people didn't. She quickly finished the laps and arrived back at Nami and Akio's side.

While Ayano refreshed herself, Akio gave her his feedback. "That was quite impressive. Not as good as our Nami here but great!"

Nami herself cut in with "I don't think we need to go through all our beginners tests, so let's move onto something a little more challenging."

It wasn't long until Ayano was sprinting, jumping, climbing, pushing, throwing, catching and dodging her way through the tests.

"I can see you being a very valuable member to our club!" Akio laughed at the end, while Ayano picked up her bag. "You are now an official member of the great sports club!"

It was late when she finally got home, but she had a long bath, made some hot tea and went to bed.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now