Chapter Five -Amai Odayaka

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(I have put in research to form these rivals and personalities. I judge their appearance by the design concept in one of YandereDev's videos. I create their names with actual Japanese words.)

(Fuck that nevermind

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(Fuck that nevermind.)

Monday morning. 7:00 am. Ayano was already on her way to school, cheerful and ready to take on the school day. She took a different path today. One that took longer but more students took.

She recognized the girl... Amai-chan wasn't it? She was hurrying along with a pink notebook and a pen in her hands, her case swinging from her arm. She was muttering "We will need better pots soon... yes... and I think the kettle is broken..."

Ayano spotted the red armband that all the club leaders in this school wore. "She must be the cooking club president..." thought Ayano entering the school grounds.

"Oh hey! Amai-chan!" called a girl with purple hair and eyes. "Do you have the list?" Amai stopped in front of her and gave the notebook to her.

"I only put down the stuff we really need, like that a new kettle." The purple haired girl smiled. "You really do care about everyone, the school can splash out on much more than just a kettle and a few pots and pans!"

"Well I try to think of the other clubs too." blushed Amai. "I can take this to sensei myself thanks." And she bustled off.

Ayano had been watching the whole time and snapped a picture of her face just as she left.

"Who's this?" She asked Info Chan.

"Amai Odayaka. Class 2-1. Crush: a boy from class 3-2. President of the cooking club, people generally like this girl for her kind and loving personality." Average grade: A

Ayano thanked Info Chan, before running into the courtyard. Most of the students were admiring Musume Ronshaku's new jewelry. Show off.
Senpai was sitting in his usual spot, staring happily at the sky.

Ayano blushed and took another picture of him. She left and pretended to gush over Musume-chan's new bracelets or whatever until the bell chimed.

Chemistry was first. Ayano sat next to Koharu Hinata and paid close attention to the lesson. The teacher was giving a lecture about lab safety and toxic substances.

During lunch, Ayano sat with Kuu Dere on the rooftop, thinking about Amai Mafin. Ayano had been in the cooking club room only once before and that was only to deliver a note to the vice-president.

Kuu Dere let out a noise that may have been annoyance, but it was hard to tell with her. "Hi Aya-chan, Kuu-chan!" giggled a very bubbly voice. Ayano looked up to see Midori Gurin, a girl who was known throughout the school as an annoying, ditzy girl who asked far too many stupid questions.

"It's Ayano..." she replied. Midori laughed. "Oh dear, sorry Aya-chan!"
Kuu sighed and continued to eat.

"Aya-chan, Aya-chan!" Midori now asked "I have a question...." Luckily, the bell chimed at that point and Midori bubbled "Nevermind Aya-chan, I can catch up to you later!"

Ayano left for her second lesson of the day, gym. They were running laps today and Ayano was pretty good.
As she ran, Ayano remembered something else that Info Chan said.
"Crush: a boy from class 3-2"

Ayano could only think of one boy from that class that mattered. Senpai.

"It better not be..." Ayano thought again and again as girls around her panted and chatted.

Ayano finished her lesson, collected her things and made her way home.

That night she had a bath before she went to bed and thought herself to sleep with the same words "It better not be..."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now