Chapter Fifteen -Imouto

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The next day at school Ayano texted Info Chan about Hanako Yamada.

Does she have any close friends?

Yup. Lots. But her closest... Hang on I have her...

Ayano received student info on a girl called Masea Yunpoge. Ayano had a plan but Masae may be important for it to work.

Sorry about this but the best friend's name is now Masea instead ^-^

She wandered into the courtyard and spotted Masea.

She was about a year younger than Ayano and had pink hair in a single large ringlet at the side of her head. She was wearing large lime-green glasses and was just sitting there looking bored.

From what Info Chan knew, she was the best friend of Hanako Yamada and that on Thursday evenings, they stay late at the gaming club when everyone else leaves.

Ayano thought hard as she left for biology, trying not to bump into anyone. She would need to get her out of the club room that evening if she was going to kill Hanako without witnesses, but how...

She got the answer at lunchtime, popping into the girls bathrooms. When she came out of the stall to wash her hands she saw her teacher, Rino Fuka, standing at the mirror.

She was applying makeup and muttering to herself, while absentmindedly fumbling with her handbag with her free hand.

Ayano had taken a step towards the sink when the small black bag fell over and various objects crashed onto the floor.

"Oh shit..." The teacher said quietly, turning around while putting her lipstick back into her pocket. "Excuse me, Aishi, but could you please fetch that thing that rolled away?"

Ayano was about to leave the bathroom but walked towards the small object now. It was a tiny tub with circular pills in it. A labe on the front read:

Constipation Pills

It also had Miss Fuka's prescription details scribbled onto the front label. "Here you are sensei." She said, stepping up and handing the plastic tube to her, while quietly dropping three tiny white pills into her pocket.

Her teacher, who was busy stuffing her bag with the dropped items, didn't notice this and simply replied "Thank you Aishi, you may go now."

Ayano sat with the other sports club members to eat and focused on chatting to and befriending Asu, for whom she had the burning desire to rip out her throat.

"Aya-chan is so funny!" Asu laughed. Ayano smiled at the laughter that her joke had caused. To Ayano, it meant nothing, just words pulled together in a playful fashion. The others loved it though.

That doesn't matter. Soon enough, your the one who will be laughing through all the fun we're going to have.

Ayano smiled again.

"What are you smiling about Aya-chan?" Questioned the curly haired boy who she knew as Junji Kahahaja.

"It's just a nice day today..." She replied, looking down at her empty bento box.

They should keep smiling while they have the chance.

Ayano picked up her bag and began to leave for class. "Bye Aya-chan!" Called Asu after her. "See you this evening!"

Perhaps this evening.


Ayano stopped dead in her tracks. She stared at her hands, as if expecting to find an explanation there.

What just happened? Like two voices tried to speak at once...

Ayano shrugged it off and went to her classroom. She got there early so Rino Fuka asked her to deliver a note to the gym teacher first. Ayano got back soon and sat down for language.

After the class, Ayano checked her phone.

One new message

Ayano clicked it and I went straight into her Info Chan chat log.

I assume you have a plan? Neither girl is dead yet.

Ayano texted back quickly.


Would you be so kind as to tell me what it is?


Haha very funny. Like I care, I think I already know.

And the chat ended there. Ayano left the school and when she reached her house, she set out to find one thing.

She had begun to search her parent's room when she found them. Lots of them. In the dressing table drawer, there were pairs and pairs of the identical white silk gloves that must all belong to her mother.

She wouldn't notice if I took a pair...

She grabbed a pair, folded them and placed them in her bag for tomorrow. Afterwards she did her homework, showered and got into bed in a fresh pair of pyjamas.

She rolled over and smiled.
Tomorrow was going to be a fun day.

A very fun day.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now