Chapter Sixteen -I'm Running Out Of Chapter Name Ideas

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Ayano started her day by leaping out of bed, nearly getting caught up in her bedsheets. She began to think. As she thought, she changed her panties and pulled on her uniform.

She felt a nagging doubt, a little bother, but about what? She finished getting dressed and went into the bathroom to wash and brush her teeth.

Was it her parents? Perhaps.... Ayano finished up in the bathroom, grabbed a quick breakfast and left, slamming the door behind her. She had just passed around the first corner.

"What are you lookin' so worried about?" Asked an energetic, cheerful voice. Ayano turned to see Asu, standing there with her bag and a smile.

"Oh! Asu-chan!" Ayano took a short step back. "Oh, um, it's nothing!" "Why are you..?"

"Remember yesterday evening?" "I told you that I was going your route today and that we could walk together!"

Ayano didn't remember any of that, she probably wasn't listening to her stupid chatter. But she gathered herself together enough to reply.

"Um, uh, oh yeah!" She nodded, quickly shaking off her confusion. "Well then, let's go!" They began to walk together, Asu chatting away.

Ayano felt a sinking feeling, realising what was wrong. The plan relied a lot on Asu handling a potential weapon that could be traced back to her.

Ayano was actually trying to listen this time, but gave up and just played along as usual. It was a warm, sunny day, with butterflies and birdsong filling the air.

"I don't live very far, just one street away from your house actually, that's why I suggested we walk together! I hope we can keep doing it!"

Yeah. You hope.

The pair went through the gates and saw Akio, staring at a piece of paper and muttering. When he caught sight of Ayano and Asu, he called for them to join him.

"Hey leader!" Asu chirped. "What's that?" Ayano pointed at the paper. Akio looked down and shuffled his feet, mumbling something.

"Aw it's OK you can tell us!" Asu soothed, speaking in a much quieter voice. Akio sighed and lowered his voice.

"I want... To ask Nami-chan... You know..." He blushed and looked deeply uncomfortable. "But I don't know how... Or when... So I wrote down some internet tips and..." He gestured towards the crumpled paper.

Asu's eyes widened. "Wow!" "Don't worry, me and Aya-chan can help you!" Ayano was about to make an excuse, but saw a sparkling opportunity.

Ayano spoke. "Yes. I'm sure we can help you out." Asu cut in again. "Yeah! I know what it's like! I'm sure that Aya-chan knows what it's like to love someone too right?"

Ayano smiled and nodded. "Yes. A little."

Akio looked relieved. "Thank you guys, change your shoes and meet me in the gym storage room OK?" "And... Don't tell the others..."

"Of course leader!" Asu grinned. Ayano changed out of her white outdoor shoes and headed towards the gym storage room, where Akio was waiting, a fresh piece of paper and a pen in hand.

"Asu will be here soon." She told him, closing the door behind her. "Thank you Aya-chan. Can I ask a simple question first?" He replied, looking up at her.
"Go ahead."

Akio took a deep breath. "First things first, when should I confess?" Ayano was waiting for this. "Hmmm... Perhaps tonight?" Akio looked stunned for a second.

"Best do it sooner rather then later." Ayano advised him. He gulped and nodded rapidly. "Well, I'm sure you know more about it then me so..."
He scribbled down some notes on the paper.

The door opened and Asu came in, sitting down on a pile of gym mats. "Where should I confess?" Akio asked now. Asu chirped "How about the rooftop?"

This talk continued, Ayano nodding and going along with it until the bell rang. Ayano made it to class just in time and left with fresh knowledge about plants.

She went to the usual lunchtime hangout place of the sports club, outside on the grass. On the way she met Asu and Nami, who were headed there as well.

They greeted each other, made mild conversation, when Nami slapped a hand to her forhead. "Fuck!" She cursed. "I forgot the bats..."

"What's wrong?" Ayano inquired. Nami explained. "I was told that new sports bats were bought and to get them to the gym as a sports club member."

"Don't worry." Ayano told her. "I could get them." Nami sighed with relief. "Thank you! Asu-chan?" Asu nodded. "I can go with her, they sound like a heavy load."

"Of course." Nami nodded. "Go now."

Asu and Ayano found out where they were, fetched them and dragged them to the same gym storage that they were in that morning.

Ayano had a thought. "Hey Asu? What do you say we give them a go? A few swings?" Asu's eyes widened. "Oh my, definitely!" She giggled, grabbing a bat and standing in the middle of the gym, swinging it and talking to the air.

Ayano had given her bag to Nami when she went for the bats, but not before quietly taking the gloves and putting them in her pocket. She pulled them on now.

"Wow! It's great, good shape,solid wood, nice swing!" Asu chattered to Ayano, handing her that bat, not noticing the gloves that reached up to Ayano's elbows.

"You go back now." Ayano said. "I'll have my go and join the others OK?"
"OK!" Asu chirruped before running off.

Ayano walked out of the gym and hid the bat in a bush near the front of the school. Her doubts blown away, she put the gloves back in her pocket and left to join the others.

Weapon. Check.

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