Chapter Ten -Let's Play

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"G-game?" "What am I doing here..." "What are you... no... N-NO!" Saki babbled. Ayano had approached Saki, a scalpel that she had stolen glinted in her hand.

"The game we are going to play... yes..." Ayano purred. She looked like she did in the courtyard that day, like the insanity alone couldn't explain her being more monster than human.

Saki stared at the scalpel, trembling. The ropes tying her to the chair were rough and tight, tough enough to make them nearly impossible to snap.

Ayano touched the scalpel lightly onto Saki's arm and slid it upwards, leaving a long, fine cut which from blood trickled out of. Saki screamed.

"You don't need to worry Saki-chan..." Ayano lifted the scalpel away. "...the game we're about to play..." She now held the scalpel to Saki's bare back.

"... is going to be fun."

Saki's screams and pleads lasted through the night, but no one heard her. She was alone. She couldn't get out of this.

At 6:00 am, Ayano looked at the door leading out of the basement. "I should be getting ready to go to school..." Saki was in too much pain to nod. Her clothes were ripped and soaked with her own blood.

Ayano turned, smiling at Saki.
"But I would rather keep having f-u-n with you!" Saki's eyes filled with tears. "No! Not again! Please! Stop! NO!"
Ayano laughed. Not a normal laugh but a high pitched, insane crazed laughter.

"Don't get me wrong Saki-chan, I gain no pleasure from hurting you..."
She picked up a small knife from a table and held it to her chest. "However I will gain much pleasure from you hurting Kizana-chan..."

"K-Kizana?!" "What about her?!" "I would never hurt her!" Ayano moved her hand and held the knife so that it was pointing down at Saki's hand.

"What are you going to do to me?!" "What are you going to do to Ki-" She tried to say, but her own scream cut it off as Ayano stabbed through Saki's hand. The manic grin was back and Ayano's pupils were tiny. She held the knife in and began to twist it roughly from side to side.

Saki's screaming wails filled the room and Ayano wouldn't stop. She finally yanked the knife out and panted for a bit. She was splattered with blood and her look of insanity remained.

"Don't think that we're finished yet!"
She trilled, bringing the knife down onto Saki's other hand. Her scream was nightmare worthy. Saki had begun to change since the start of the torture.

She was getting more subdued, more unaware of her surroundings.
Soon enough, she wouldn't even be Saki anymore. Ayano knew that the more pain she inflicted on her, the more mangled her mind becomes.

Ayano carried on through that day and night, finding ways to cause as much pain as possible but without losing to much blood. Saki was cowering rather than pleading every time Ayano approached her.

She knew that one more round of torture would shatter her mind completely, as long as enough pain was caused. "Please... stop... have mercy... no..." Was all she could say on Thursday, when Ayano entered the basement.

Tears dripped down Saki's face, mixing with the blood on her cheeks. "I'll do anything... just make it end..."
Ayano drew the well used scalpel and marker of her pocket and began drawing little Xs down Saki's leg.

"Shh... It will all be over soon..."
Ayano put down the marker and picked up her scalpel. Saki looked down and closed her eyes when she saw Ayano began to use the scalpel to cut the little Xs she had drawn. "Just make it end..." Saki whispered as Ayano continued the torture through the day.

"I'll do anything."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now