Chapter Seventeen -Silken Fingers

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Ayano was in her last class for that day, Physical Education. Today they were running laps on the long track that circled the gym and doing various cardio exercises. Kyoshi Taiso, the gym teacher was very pleased with Ayano's work.

"Wow Aishi, I never would have thought you would be so strong just by looking at you!" She praised Ayano. Ayano herself smiled and took it graciously, all the time thinking

She's like Asu. Always so optimistic... Well I bet Asu won't be so cheery on her way to prison...

Ayano finished talking to her teacher and left for the showers with the other girls. Ayano switched her focus on Asu to Hanako Yamada. She was chatting with that friend of hers.

Ayano finished washing, but stalled after changing back into her uniform along with the gloves, waiting for Hanako to finish. However, it was her friend that said something interesting. She was already washed and changed.

"You know what Hanako-chan? I skipped lunch and I'm kinda hungry, so why don't I go to that little lunch hangout place and get a snack from the vending machine, I'll wait for you there, it's just outside the club room!"

Hanako, who was still washing her black hair, replied with a smile. "Sure! You go on!"

Ayano realised her chance and grabbed her bag, running out of the locker rooms and heading for the bush. After retrieving her bat, she waited near the gaming club room, where there were indeed benches and snacks.

Ayano sat down, took a manga book out of her hemp satchel and began to read, all the time watching for Masea, always aware of the bat hidden underneath the very bench she was sitting on.

It wasn't long however until she finally came, a bag in her hand. She saw the nearest bench, the one that Ayano was sitting on and plonked her bag down beside it.

Ayano's steely gaze followed Masea to the vending machine selling soda. Her dark eyes watched her put some coins in and take a can from the machine, which she opened and placed on the bench next to her bag.

Hana left again, this time to inspect a machine with snacks available. Ayano took her chance. She dipped her hand into her shirt pocket and pulled out two of the three pills. Any more could fatally poison her.

Ayano dropped the pills into the cool blue liquid, covering up the loud plop with a louder cough. Pleased with herself, she smiled to herself when Hana returned and began sipping at her drink. She had been gone long enough so that the pills could dissolve properly.


Soon, Hanako arrived and she and Masea, who had finished eating joined her and chatting, entered the computer room. Ayano put down her book and listened to the two girls talking as they got themselves ready.

"No Pippi or Ryuto today?"

"No, Ryuto's sick and Pippi is on holiday in America I think, anyway, we have the room to ourselves!"

Ayano didn't know who was talking, and didn't much care either. All she needed to hear was... ah...

"Um, excuse me Hanako-chan, bathroom break..." then Masea ran out of the room and towards the bathroom at the end of the hall, clutching her stomach and looking extremely uncomfortable.

Well those took affect fast...

Ayano thought before grabbing the bat with her gloved hands and slipping into the computer room where Hanako was rummaging through a box full of video game cartridges, quite alone.

Ayano reached out with one hand and grabbed the back of Hanako's shirt, yanking her backwards. She slipped and yelped, hitting the floor.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened when she saw Ayano's sadistic smile and raised bat. A shout just managed to slip past her lips before the bat hit the side of her head, which snapped sideways before she fell dead in a pool of her own blood.

Ayano stepped back, careful not to step in the blood as not to leave footprints. She left the room quickly and entered the girl's room at the end of the hall.

Moans were coming from the nearest cubicle, most likely made by Masea as her spiked drink took affect. No one else was in there. Ayano quietly entered and locked the furthest stall, where she changed into a fresh uniform, stuffing the bloody one in her bag.

Ayano leaned the bat against the wall of the cubicle and left. "Is this an allergy? Was it something in that candy bar?"

Ayano heard before a toilet flush and Masea left the stall looking sick. She washed her hands and ignoring Ayano, left the bathroom.

Ayano left herself and began down the hall towards the back exit. A scream reverberated down the corridor and Hana ran out of the computer room, dashing away towards the faculty room in the opposite direction.

Ayano ran outside and immediately dumped her bloody clothing in the incinerator. Peeled off the gloves, dumped them as well before activating it and leaving the school, happy with her work.

Taro Yamada looked up from his book to stare at the other dusty books on the shelves. He couldn't focus, despite being in the library, one of the quietest places in the school. He always came here when his sister was in her club.

He just wasn't cut out for that sort of thing himself. He rested his head in his arms. He was tired, he couldn't wait to get home and just go to sleep.

Of course first he would have to put up with his sisters teasing.

No matter how many times he corrected her, she wouldn't stop giving him crap about Monday morning. That girl was cute though...

Maybe Hanako just wanted to spend more time with him? If she just asked then-

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see his teacher, pale faced and worried looking.

"Mr Yamada." She tried her usual brisk voice, but something was definitely wrong. "Please come with me, we have some rather upsetting news."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now