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The shadow ropes wrapped around the girl strained to keep her down. All that could be heard for miles in this desolate plain was the groans of effort that she made.

She suddenly screamed. "You can't keep me down forever, I'll find a way!"
Her voice was harsh but afraid, tired out from her struggle.

A sharp tug on her bounds pulled her to the nonexistent ground once more and there she crouched, panting from her efforts. "You... Can't..."

As if summoned by the direct speech, a cluster of shadows built up from the ground in a shape that vaguely resembled a person.

A voice that came from both everywhere and nowhere echoed through this plain of existence.

"Oh really?"

The girl on the ground looked up, tears in her eyes, with an expression of pure and utter determination fixed on her face.

"I won't let... More... Innocent people get hurt!"

The shadows rippled around the strange monster as it let out a sly laugh that echoed.


"But all we want is to have some fun... Don't we?"

"No-" the girl began to reply before a hand, dark gray and smoking, shot out of nowhere and clamped itself around her mouth.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now