Chapter Eight -Lick My Shoes

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The news of Amai Odayaka's death spread quickly and shocked everyone. All the students that haven't already left were told to stay together where the teachers could see them.

Ayano had escaped from the cooking club room in all the confusion. She had to sneak back to the science lab to replace the poison.

It was pretty easy with no patrolling staff. When she returned to the crowd, she pretended to be worried and panicked like everyone else until the paramedics arrived.

They announced to the school and staff that Amai was indeed dead and that the police had to be informed. The police arrived and searched the school. They took Amai's body away for testing and questioned the faculty and the other cooking club members.

The tests came back surprisingly fast. The scientists performing them said that Amai had signs of being badly poisoned, although their equipment couldn't detect any.

Something inside Ayano smiled as a flustered teacher followed by police officers headed towards the lab. The teacher was shouting.

"We can see if any of the poisons are missing!" She called out. "That's the only place in this school with undetectable chemicals!"

The police and teachers couldn't find any missing bottles. "Amai-chan was in chemistry today!" A student babbled. "Maybe she forgot to wash her hands before cooking or something!"

The police, completely baffled by this case but desperate for an explanation, used the story that someone had been careless with dangerous substances. The police left and the students were free to leave.

Ayano was comforting Amai's friends, using false affection and sympathy to balance the flow of tears. Once she had left the crowd of girls and began to head for the main exit, she found someone blocking the doors in front of her.

The figure's face was heavily shadowed, obscuring all of the girls facial features except for the tiny smile and flashing glasses.

Info Chan moved, her blood red hair now clearly visible. "I must say... you are doing a good job... stealthy and..." She paused before stepping back and becoming hidden in darkness once again. "It sounds like a lot of... fun."

Ayano was suddenly alone again in the corridor. It was 8:00 pm by the time she arrived at her own house. School had been cancelled tomorrow and Ayano was going to have a happy weekend.

She did. She stalked senpai for most of it, but it was her favorite activity now. The way he ate, the way he walked, everything was perfect about him and it was the only thing that made her feel... well... anything...

Ayano spent Sunday at home, eating a takeout for dinner and watching an old comedy movie before bed, although she didn't really understand it. There was going to be a funeral tomorrow and all the students were supposed to go. Ayano went to sleep, and dreamed about winning senpai's heart.

The following morning was dull and cloudy. Ayano got out of bed and ate pancakes for breakfast. She was becoming excited to finally see her rival in a pine box. It would be official then...

Ayano then had a shower and put on a simple knee length black skirt, a white blouse and a black suit jacket. Ayano combed her hair, but didn't put it up in her usual ponytail. She put some makeup on and left for the funeral.

The students were given their own time in the big hall to pay their respects. However, it wasn't the dead girl that was getting the most attention.

People were instead paying attention to two people in the middle of the room. One of them was Saki Miyu, a close friend of Amai's. Ayano had once helped her by finding her lost bra, and they have been friends ever since.

She was crying her eyes out while another girl patted her on the back and made what was probably ment to be comforting noises.

Ayano recognized the second girl.
It was hard to miss her. She was Kizana Sunobu, president of the drama club and well known snob.

Kizana had a fancy hairstyle of one hard set ringlet on each side of her head held with rose hair clips. Both her hair and her eyes were the same violet purple. She wore makeup and today was wearing fancy looking lace mourning clothes.

She was known to be bossy and snobbish, expecting everyone to treat her like royalty. Why she was the best friend of the friendly, outgoing Saki was a mystery to everyone.

"There there Saki... We all miss her... Tragic... So so tragic..." Kizana said, stroking Saki's cyan hair. "Now someone be a dear and fetch me and poor Saki some mini sandwiches..." Kizana's voice echoed through the crowd of students.

One boy walked forward with a tray in his hands. He got down on one knee and offered the plate up. Kizana took one and popped it in her mouth.

People waited for Kizana to offer some to Saki, but Saki grabbed it herself after it was made clear that Kizana was not going to.

Someone came into the room and said that is was time to move onto the burial. Six men picked up the coffin and carried it away. The silent crowd of students followed.

The ceremony was extremely boring. It had begun to rain and everyone was just standing around, idly chatting with everyone else. Kizana and Saki started talking a few feet away from Ayano, and she heard the words 'Taro Yamada'.

She edged closer to the two girls, listening to what they were saying.
Kizana was talking and Saki listening.

"Well it is very sad... she was going to confess her love to her senpai this week." Saki tilted her head in senpai's direction "Him?"

Kizana looked. "Yeah that's him... Taro Yamada..." "I say... he's a looker alright..." Ayano froze.

"I just might confess to him myself." "I need a man who would treat me right. He looks perfect. My senpai would be willing to lick my shoes..." Kizana laughed.
Ayano clenched her fists. She looked at the grave and back at Kizana.

Not today. Not tomorrow,
Not by her or by her,
Shall my senpai be taken from me!

And then, a little thought in the back of her mind said

"Time for more fun..."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now