Chapter Twenty Five- A Leader No More

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A/N: This is going to be a long ass chapter enjoy
Ayano rolled over in her sleep, not realising that she was already on the edge of the bed and fell to the floor.

A sharp yelp and soon Ayano was standing, looking out the window.

It was clearly morning... But what time? Ayano picked up her phone and checked.


Oh god. I literally have five minutes.

Ayano didn't waste time. She was brushed and dressed in less then two minutes and zoomed downstairs. Not bothering with breakfast, she snatched up her bag and was gone.

Taking her old bike she barely managed to get to class on time but she made it.

All through the PE lesson that morning, Ayano thought about Osoro and what she needed to do.

Osoro would definitely have at least one of here thuggish cronies around, she always did. But Osoro wouldn't want to draw attention to herself so it's likely that there might only be one delinquent hanging around.

As for weapons, Ayano knew that the only other knifes she owned were too big to hide when walking there. She would have to arrive weaponless.


The gardening club! Around there was all sorts of possible weapons, like the handsaw. Larger and more unstealthy
weapons yes, but it could work!

Ayano couldn't believe her luck. She left the lesson in high spirits.

However, her cheerfulness faded into discomfort as the hunger hit her. She didn't have breakfast that morning and she left her next class rubbing her stomach.

It was lunchtime. Ayano went up to the very same cafeteria where she once drugged Masea Yunpoge and stood at the vending machine, inspecting the variety of snacks available.

Making her choice on a large candy bar, she reached into a special pocket in her skirt and...


Where she always kept money in school, there was just air. Ayano realised that in the rush of that morning she had also forgotten to grab some cash for lunch.

"Dammit, dammit dammit!" She said frustratedly. She facepalmed herself and desperately searched her bag for some money. Nothing.

"Ugh... I'm so hungry..." She groaned, staring longingly at the snacks in the machine.

"Uh... Hi! A-Ayano right?"

Ayano looked around.

Taro stood there, cheeks slightly flushed and grinning awkwardly.

Ayano stared for a moment before getting a grip on herself. "I-I... um, yeah! That's my name! And um, you're Taro!"

Her face became bright pink and she fumbled with the straps on her bag.
Taro smiled, the slight blush becoming brighter by the second.

"Hehe... Yeah! I heard you talking... You need lunch...?"

"Oh... You h-heard... Yeah... I forgot to get money for lunch this morning
a-and..." Ayano couldn't continue. She looked down, away from Taro's large dark eyes.

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