Chapter Twenty Six -Saiko

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Ayano opened her eyes with a start. She was lying on her unmade bed, still wearing her now wrinkled school uniform. She sat up and stared around the room.

Her bedroom was a mess. Books were lying around with pages missing, clothes were scattered and Ayano's pinboard had been torn off the wall.

All her pictures of senpai were torn, all the ones of her past rivals had a large X scrawled on them in what seemed to be blood.

Ayano slowly got up out of bed and looked at her phone.

"Four new messages"

Ayano stared for a minute before opening up her texts. They were all from Info Chan.

I thought I might just tell you about your next rival. Her name is Megami Saiko. You may know her. Popular, beautiful and head of the student council. She has been missing from school for the past few weeks for reasons I may not share.

But there is something else, her reasons are connected to the deaths and disappearances that have been happening.


Anyone there?

Ayano texted a quick reply of thanks before changing into a new uniform and combing her hair.

"That last message was sent on Wednesday... What day is it now?"

She grabbed her phone again and stared.


"Oh no... The deadline is..."

Grabbing a quick breakfast, Ayano was on her way to school in no time.

When Taro saw Ayano running up the walkway that day, he didn't say anything but a surge of relief crossed over him.

All the girls who he had an even mildly close bond to had all ended up disappearing or dead or something horrible. By now, he was nearly certain that he was cursed.

Even Oka Ruto, whom he only had the briefest of bonds with disappeared about two three weeks ago.

Ayano was on her way too her first lesson when the gym teacher, Kyoshi Taiso stopped a crowd of students in the hallway that included Ayano.

"Please come with me." She instructed. "We need to be in the announcement hall." The students did what they were told and followed Kyoshi into the gym, where chairs were lined up in rows facing the stage.

Ayano sat near the front row, in between two girls with blue hair, and waited patiently as more and more students flooded the hall.

It wasn't long though until everyone was in their chair, completed silent.

Megami walked onstage. Ayano immediately recognized her. Everyone would.

The richest, the most popular, the most powerful and the most beautiful girl in all of Akademi High, Megami seemed to cast a a spell over everyone just by being there.

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