Chapter Twenty Three -Love Letters

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A letter, written on a regular notepad page, was stuck on the front of Ayano's locker. She stared at it before peeling it off and properly inspecting the note.

Dear Ayano.

Please meet me beside the entrance to the hedge maze tonight at 4:30.
I have something important to tell you.

Hope you'll be there.


Ayano stared at the paper clutched in her hand for a minute more before stuffing it into the pocket of her favorite gray coat, clean of all blood.

She looked at the time on her phone.

4:25... I only have five minutes...

Ayano wasn't sure what was going to happen, but she was suspicious and didn't want to go unprepared.

The handy knife that she always kept around her she left in one of the deep pockets, the crumpled note in the other.

Walking out the main entrance, Ayano passed two occult club members, Daku Atsu and Supana Churu talking to one another.

"A-and she's been missing from all the club meetings! S-she's never missed one before..."

"Uh um... She's in my class, a-and I haven't seen her."

Ayano knew that that they were of course talking about Oka. Despite being an odd loner, she was one of the most devoted club leaders in the school.

The members really had no one else so of course they would notice an absence. But it didn't matter, they didn't know she was dead and wouldn't be able to prove it anyway.

Ayano smiled a smile that passed off as normal and innocent, but really concealed something so much deeper.

She headed straight to this location and just stood there, waiting.

Meanwhile, Budo's heart thumped in his chest when he saw her standing there so elegantly. He had taken off his black gakuran, feeling like he was going to explode.
If you didn't know, a gakuran is the coat part of the male uniform in the game.

Ayano suddenly noticed the boy approaching her. This tall boy had spiky black hair and dark eyes. He wasn't wearing his gakuran, revealing a clean white shirt. She recognized him as a club leader by the red band.

"Um... Ayano-chan...?"


Ayano turned and stared into his eyes and watched his face go from slightly pink to cherry red in an instant.

Budo's hands wouldn't move for a moment. Then he pulled a pink envelope from his bag and held it out in front of him, trying not to look directly into her dark, almost hypnotizing eyes.

Ayano, surprised but also confused, took the envelope from his trembling hands and opened it up. Her eyes traveled up and down the paper, taking in the information.

Budo continued to look away, as if looking at Ayano's face would cause instant rejection. But then he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Ayano, a gentle expression resting on her face.

Her cheeks were a delicate pink and tears filled her large shiny eyes as she pulled him into a warm hug.

He was taken aback for a moment before realising what was happening and holding his newly found lover close. A few ragged petals from the old sakura tree fluttered past in the wind as the two stood there, holding each other close.

Ayano released him from the hug and stepped back. Then in a literal second, her sweet, gentle mask had gone and a face that depicted nothing but madness remained.

Her face was heavily shadowed, the pupils in her eyes were nearly dots and a long, crooked smile plastered her face.

Budo didn't care about how she looked. He staggered back a few paces and raised his tear stained face to stare into her insane one.

A red stain appeared through his shirt and he slapped one hand to his mouth as crimson liquid dripped through his fingers.

He trembled and weakly raised the other arm when he fell forward dead, a pool of blood forming fast. Ayano crouched down and pulled the bloodied knife from the late Budo's back with a squelching crack.

She stood up and just stood there again, staring down at the dead boy. Ayano took the envelope and letter out of her pocket and cleanly tore it in half.

She let the pieces of paper flutter down and land on the corpse before she entered a shed that read



She got in somehow and picked up the handsaw lying on the workbench.

A few minutes later, Budo was lying on the grass in six pieces and Ayano's clothing was completely soaked through in blood. She picked up the body parts one by one and his them in black bin bags nearly full of rubbish.

Soon, she had four bags, top tied and full to burst with both rubbish and flesh. Ayano quickly made a trip to the showers to wash off the blood and to change her clothes.

She found a pair of old rubber gloves in an empty bucket near the entrance and decided to keep them on.

Holding four large, stuffed bin bags at once isn't easy, especially when blood could easily drip from the bottom.

Ayano held onto them tightly, fearing that if one should fall, it would burst in a stinky, bloody splat with chucks of flesh flying everywhere.

That... Would not be good.

She finally made it to the incinerator and dumped the load of bags in there, closely followed by the gloves.

Ayano stood back a moment to watched the beginnings of smoke coming out of the chimney.

Pleased with herself, she began to walk away. She had started to leave when she was suddenly trapped, pinned against the wall, a cold metal crowbar pressed against her throat.

She looked down to see one of the delinquents, a female one wearing a surgeon's mask with a jagged smile drawn onto it.

Ayano knew it was Purple Streak, judging by the plum fringe. She was strong, and held Ayano to the wall, never faltering in her stance.

She had a fierce burn of determination in her eyes And began to press Ayano harder against the concrete.

"G-ah... Get... Off me..."

Ayano was panicking now, she felt the oxygen being cut off to her lungs she would faint any moment now.

But suddenly, the pressure on Ayano's throat had lifted as Purple Streak was pulled back by someone else. Ayano dropped to the grass panting, and looked up to see the one she hated most.

Osoro Shidesu.

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