Chapter Twenty One -Osoro

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Ayano woke up with a start, cold beads of sweat on her face. Pale light glowed through her closed curtains. In the near-darkness she groped around until her hand closed on her phone.

The picked it up and turned it on. 6:19 am was the time on the screen. Ayano yawned and got out of bed clumsily. She pulled open her curtains and the dim morning light spilled across her room.

Ayano walked into her bathroom and looked into the mirror. Her expression changed from tired boredom to confusion. "Huh?"

On her cheek, there was a definite tiny splatter of blood. "But how?" She didn't kill someone, why was the blood there?

She noticed her hair also had dried blood in it. Still confused, still utterly baffled, she undressed, turned on the shower and got into it.

She washed away the strange bloodstains and dried herself. It was the most bizarre Saturday morning she'd had. She got dressed into simple black jeans and a red tee shirt and headed downstairs.

She ate some breakfast and turned on the news. Then she gained interest.

This morning Asu Rito was found dead in her holding cell at Buraza Station with a slit throat. A knife was soon found in the hand of the assumed murderer which had her fingerprints on it. It can assumed that she commit suicide. Officers are still confused as to how a sharp weapon ended up in a prisoner cell.

Ayano stared at the screen, at the pale newsreader, at the worried police officers and the concerned detectives.
Her frown flipped into a mad smile immediately as she remembered.

She stood up and approached the TV, still smiling like a maniac, her pupils contracting. She began to giggle, but it quickly escalated into a loud laugh, madness running through every part of it.

Her hands held the sides of her head as she rocked with laughter. She collapsed backwards onto the couch and continued to roll around in hysterics.

Slowly and gradually, she slowed down and soon stopped altogether. She lay there panting, the smile still plastered across her face.

She got up and said to the air
"We've had our fun, at that's all that matters."

Ayano walked into the kitchen and picked up a large gray coat with blood splattered across the front and another pair of white gloves, heavily soaked in blood.

She hand washed these clothes until they were spotless and were folded neatly in her room. Ayano spent the rest of the day cleaning, mopping up bloody footprints and gradually loosing her insane exterior.

On Sunday she just went shopping for food and that evening, while wrapped up in a blanket in her bed, her phone buzzed.

One New Message

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now