Chapter Thirty One -A Moment Frozen In Time

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Taro was alone for only a second.
Then with a quiet hiss, Ayano appeared, completely dazed.

Before he could say or do anything, she had staggered backwards and collapsed onto the floor.

He jumped with the surprise and immediatly scurried to her side.

Panicked, he checked for a pulse. When he couldn't find one, he really began to panic, breathing very fast and about to call out for help when he noticed that her chest was still rising and falling at a regular pace.

Cursing himself for being so stupid, he checked for her pulse again, more carefully this time. He found one and slumped, finally relaxed a little.

Right. Just uncontiouse.

As he calmed down, Taro began to notice the golden light spilling through the partially obscured windows.

It was like that before all that crazy crap happened, so not much time could have passed.

He sighed and looked down at the sleeping form of Ayano, so quiet and peaceful.

What could he do now? After all this, he couldn't possibly just go back to his normal life.

He needed to talk it through with Ayano, she was the only person who would know what he was on about. But he first needed to think.

He closed his eyes and went completly silent, the only noise left being Ayano's gentle breathing. He just sat there, letting the golden sunlight wash over him.

Thoughts floated around Taro's head in a sea of questions and worries. He spent maybe a few minutes in this comfortable state of mind until Ayano's snuffle cut through.

Taro's eyes snapped open and he watched Ayano shift in her sleep, watched her slowly waking up.

She got up into a sitting position and blinked blearily at Taro, who was immedietly in front of her, concerned for her wellbeing.

"Ayano! Are you feeling ok!?"

All Ayano could offer for a reply was a quick nod and a muffled "mph". But she was waking up fast and was soon sat up straight, looking directly at Taro, wide eyed.

"T-Taro senpai... !"

She uttered in a small gasp.

Taro smiled. It was a bit strange to be called this but didn't question it as he needed to keep her calm right now.

"Taro senpai..."

She repeated, pausing before finishing her sentence.

"...what just happened... was all that real?"

Taro wasn't entirely sure how to reply to this, as he wasn't sure himself. But he could only believe what he could see.

He nodded.

Ayano looked down for a moment and then back up, suddenly looking worried herself.

"Taro senpai! A-Are you ok!?
T-That girl... She didn't harm you did she?!"

By 'that girl' Taro could only assume she was referring to The Fun Girl. If it was real and not just some horrific nightmare.

He shook his head and smiled reasureingly.

"No, I don't think she did."

Well not physically anyway.

There was silence again for a moment until Ayano, unexpecticedly smiled weakly and let her shoulders relax, which had been tensed up this whole time.

Taro thought that this would be a good moment.

"Listen Ayano..."

He began while re-thinking his plan over and over in his head, becoming more confident each time.

"I... I... Need you to stay with me, and you need me to stay with you. "

It wasn't the clearest explanation of his thoughts but it seemed to work since Ayano didn't question it.

"What I mean is... If all this was real, which I think it is, I can't just go back to my normal life...
I need someone I can talk to. Someone who will believe everything that happened. And I think you're the only one who fits."

Ayano nodded.

"I understand."

Not to mention.

Said his thoughts.

Having a destructive phantom posess you and control your head can't be very healthy. I'm certain Ayano has been saved but her mind will probably never be as whole as it could. She needs support.

Taro didn't know how he knew this, but he just did.

In the silence he now noticed Ayano's clothes.

Splattered with blood.

The memory of Megami was like a knife in a slice of cake and came so suddenly it made him gasp.

"Huh? What is it?"

Taro looked at Ayano, the one who'd just spoken.

His thoughts began to gather themselves together again.

"Ayano... You know Megami..."

He immedietly saw tears well up in the girl's eyes but had grabbed her hands in his, holding them tight for reassurence.

"W-Well... We can't just leave her there... So..."

"So we'll bury her ok? We can give her a... Proper send off."

Ayano nodded, and watched her give one weak smile through her tears before she had her arms around him.

Taken completly by surprise, Taro was a little shocked at first at the sight of Ayano hugging him so tightly, crying the whole time.

"Taro... I'm just so glad... I'm just so glad that you're ok... That we survived..."

She sobbed, her tears splattering Taro's chest.

Taro took her by the shoulders and pushed her back a bit, so that they were looking at each other, him smiling, her trying to.

"Yeah... I'll always be ok around you... And you around me..."

Ayano sniffed and finished his sentence.

"So we'll protect each other... Right?"

Taro nodded again, and now tears were dripping down his face, him smiling all the time.

Then they hugged again.

As the sun went down outside, they held each other tight.

A moment...

...frozen in time.


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