Chapter Twenty Seven -Mindscape

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There was no sound.

No one could say a thing.

Taro stared wide-eyed at Ayano, still  dripping with Megami's blood.

Ayano stared back, frozen in place, shock and horror etched into every part of her expression.

It was a moment frozen in time.

Even the branches which were swaying gently in the wind didn't rustle.

Then someone finally spoke.


Ayano had stepped back and was now looking down at the hand still holding one of the knifes, stained red with blood.

"It can't be..."

Now she was looking back at Taro, even more horrified than before.

"S-stay back! You have to get away from me!"

Taro didn't move.

"Please! I can't... I can't fail again!"

And with that she bolted away back towards the school building. In a flash of instinct, Taro followed her.

"A-Ayano! Come back!"

She was fast, but Taro just managed to keep up with her. Through the side doors, up one flight of stairs, down an empty hallway, up another set of stairs and down more deserted hallways.

Ayano ran inside a dark disused classroom, with chairs and desks stacked up high all around the edges of the room.

The windows were all nearly completely obscured by these stacks but the golden light that did shine through indicated that sunset was approaching fast.

Ayano dashed to middle of the room and began to weep into her hands, dropping the knife a few feet away from her. The only sound to be heard was her sobbing.

It was exactly that which drew Taro to her hiding spot. He entered the classroom suddenly, shocking Ayano.

She spun around and was suddenly holding the knife again.

"I told you to stay away!"

The tears on her face glittered in the half-light.

"Please! Stay back! Or else she'll-"

She suddenly broke out into a big grin and her hands stopped shaking.

" 'Or she'll what' Ayano dear?

"You know I would leave you two till' last..."

Taro didn't know what to do, he could only just stand and watch as the girl in front of him switched personalities faster than lightning.

"Actually... It might be a little fun..."

"You do want your senpai's heart don't you Ayano? I could easily get it for you if you cooperate..."

Suddenly she changed back again, and was beginning to back up.

"N-no! You can't! Please! Let go of the knife!"

Taro stepped forward, trembling. "Ayano! What the hell-"

But the rest of his sentence wasn't heard.


Ayano screamed in agony, dropping the knife and grabbing her head in both hands.


Then the floor disappeared.

Taro opened his mouth to scream, but no noise came out. He was falling, and Ayano had disappeared.

Just as he was trying to comprehend what was happening, he landed.

Taro stared around him, his head still a mess of thoughts and fears. A misty landscape stretched out for miles around him, a billion different shades of delicate gray.

Not knowing what else to do, Taro began to walk. His heart was pounding and he had a headache. What was happening? Where is this? And more importantly, what was the deal with Ayano?

This place seemed to go on for forever, but he pressed on all the same.


Taro spun around at the sound of his name and saw Ayano standing there.

Her uniform, which had turned as gray as the world around them, was torn and scuffed. Her hair was a mess and there was blood at the corner of her mouth.

She was pulling upwards on two long dark ropes with shadows crawling all around them. She was clearly struggling and in pain.

"T-Taro, I'm trying to regain c-control, but she'll be here soon, so please remember! Remember that you can't hate me!"

Taro replied shakily.

"What do you mean? Ayano-"

He was again cut off. A large gaping hole burst open in the ground and  something rose up out of it.

It was a girl... No... It couldn't...

"Having fun senpaaai?"

The blood ran out of Taro's face when he saw her.

Her skin was a ghostly white, same as her hair which was tied into messy pigtails. She wore a simple black dress and had both hands raised above her head palms up. This highlighted the thin black veins that traveled up her arms and legs.

But the face was what terrified Taro the most. Two gaping black holes for eyes and a smile that looked like it had been drawn by a child. Crooked and void like, black liquid trickled from both the mouth and the eyes.

She turned her head to face Taro and again, the hissing, echoed voice rang out. Black tendrils shot out from the void like hole and began to creep around.

"I have something to show you senpai, do you want to seeeeee?"

"N-no thanks!"

He stepped back but tripped over a black tendril that wasn't there before.

Once he was on the ground, another dozen tendrils shot up and wrapped themselves around his arms and legs.

Suddenly the girl was there, right in front of him. Taro looked around wildly, but Ayano was nowhere to be seen. A freezing cold hand grabbed his head and turned it back to face the girl.

She tilted her head and the grin on her face seemed to grow wider.

"Don't worry..."

"It'll be a lot of..."




Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now