Chapter Nineteen -Sneak

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Ayano took in her surroundings. Oka was sitting on a bench facing with her back turned to the Basu sister's bench. Kuu Dere was next to her and had earbuds in. Mei Mio was checking her phone and Yui Rio was stealing Mei's glasses which were sitting on the bench?

Ayano now saw that the Basu sisters were now standing underneath a window talking. Ayano got an idea.

Ayano saw Mei bend over to put her phone back in her bag and snapped a quick panty shot. She attached it to the message and sent it.

Hey Info Chan?


Could you pour a bucket of water onto the Basu sisters? They're standing in the courtyard underneath the window just left to the door facing south.

Anything for a client.

Ayano put her phone away and watched. After a minute, the window above the sisters opened and a large bucket of water splashed onto them.

They screamed as the cold water hit them. "Agghhh! Who just poured water on us? Is this some kind of stupid prank?" They complained.

"Come on Inky, we can go get cleaned up in the locker room." Sakyu soothed and they both ran off.

Ayano got up and waited by the bench where the two girls had their bags. Where the bracelet box sat.

"Yui-chan? My glasses are missing... Help me find them!"

Ayano saw Yui's satisfied smirk and heard her say "Maybe you left them in the classroom..."

Mei was obviously worried and said "Maybe..." Before running off to check.

Ayano didn't think. She forgot that she was still in full view of Yui. Her hand snatched up the bracelet box and put it in her pocket. But Yui didn't point or yell. She smiled and winked, putting a finger to her lip.


Then she swung her bag onto her shoulder and ran after Mei.

Ayano remembered where she was, grabbed her own bag and left.

At home that evening, she rummaged in her kitchen cupboards until she found a small bottle of cooking oil, which she put in her bag before showering and going to bed.

((Sleep is... Good?))

The next morning Ayano had a very quick breakfast before hurrying off to school. A plan kept repeating itself in her head, the plan to turn the school against Oka Ruto.

She caught sight of Yui Rio up ahead and joined her side.



"You know those glasses you took from Mei Mio yesterday? Could I have them? I need them for a... Plan."

Yui reached into her pocket and took the dark blue glasses from it, handing them to Ayano smiling maliciously.

"Is this plan going to involve the bracelet you stole from Sakyu Basu yesterday?" Her scarlet eyes flashed.


Yui winked. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Ayano thanked Yui and ran through the school gates.

This morning they had swimming lessons in the pool for physical education. In the locker room, Ayano spotted a mobile phone poking out of a duffle bag belonging to a girl called Midori Gurin.

Ayano easily swiped it.

Once changed, she sneaked over to Oka Ruto's unattended bag and dumped the three stolen objects inside.

Once that was done, Ayano hitched up her own bag and went to the rooftop. Soon, lots of other students were coming up to talk and laugh while they ate.

Ayano watched Oka leave down her bag not far from where Ayano sat and leave to talk to a boy with messy dark blue hair and the occult club choker who Ayano knew was Shin Higaku, vice president of the occult club.

Ayano reached across and smeared some oil onto the handle of the bag, put the oil bottle back in her own bag and returned to eating her lunch.

Oka finished her conversation with Shin and made her way back to the bench she was sitting at. She bent over and grabbed the handle of her bag and attempted to lift it up.

Her fingers slipped on the oil and the bag fell from her grip and crashed onto the concrete, books and various items spilling out along with-

"MY PHONE!" yellled Midori (GURINUUUU) and rushed forward, swiping the green mobile off the top of the stack. People were not talking now, and heads were turning to stare at the scene.

Midori stood up and waved a pair of dark blue glasses and a small, fancy looking box. "Mei? Sakyu? Aren't these yours?"

The two girls pushed their way through the crowd of people and took their things. Mei put her glasses back on, sighing with relief, whereas Sakyu was staring angrily at Oka, holding her bracelet box close.

"You!" Sakyu shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at Oka. "You stole these!" The crowd, who were completely silent, were now starting to mutter, whisper, some shouting out.


The insults got worse and worse and Oka just stood there with tears in her eyes, trembling uncontrollably. She bent down and stuffed her spilled books and pages back into her bag before taking off.

The shouts changed back to talk, but with a definite presence of mutterings about Oka and toxic words being spoken.

The next two days passed smoothly for Ayano, Oka however did not have the same luck. Even her occult club companions stayed away from her, not wanting to be associated with 'the thief'.

Taro came back to school on Friday, still weary and upset about last week's events. His sister's funeral still played back in his head. He just wanted everyone to leave him alone. Just for a while.

Ayano finally knew that it was time. Lunchtime on Friday, Ayano went to the rooftop. There weren't many people there, but Ayano kept going, kept searching.

She saw Oka now, standing on her own and leaning against the railing, facing the sky. She wasn't even eating.

Ayano sat down on an upside down bucket behind Oka and made a show of taking out a book and reading it. Oka watched for a bit before returning to her gloomy staring.

Ayano put the book down very quietly and stood up, the bucket barely making any sound at all. She took a silent step towards Oka's back.

The chance was here. It was now.
Or never.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now