Chapter Twenty Four- The Delinquents Gang

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Ayano panted after being released from the iron grip of the delinquent.

She stared upwards at Osoro, who loomed over her like a skyscraper. She was tall, muscular and looked like she could kill you in one punch.

She wore a female uniform yes, but roughly. Her skirt was slightly shredded at the bottom and she wore knee length combat pants under it. Bandages were wrapped around her arms and legs, (most likely for effect) and she wore no stockings.

Underneath the old black coat she wore like a cape, it was visible that the sleeves of her shirt were cleanly ripped off.

Her face was hard set in an expression of thought, considering the dark eyed girl in front of her.

Not bothering to question why one of her cronies randomly attacked a student, Osoro stepped forward and pulled Ayano off the ground.

Ayano knew what to do. She did it every day. Act innocent, act normal.
She began to tremble and act scared.

While acting out this spectacularly realistic show of fear, Ayano noticed Purple Streak, the delinquent who attacked her, narrow her eyes.

"Who are you?" Osoro asked in a tone of utter disgust. Ayano sniffed and replied

"A-Ayano Aishi..."

"Well then Aishi... It would be weak to beat the shit out of a sniffling brat like you... What shall we do?"

Osoro turned to face the four delinquents standing behind her. Copper Streak, Tall Pompadour, Spiky Pompadour and Purple Streak, who was still scowling.

Purple was about to speak but was cut off by Copper, who stepped in front of her.

"I know her... Aishi... Yeah, she was in the sports club for a while... Pretty tough from what I know..."

Osoro wrinkled her nose. "Tough? This little brat?" She lashed a kick at Ayano who swiftly avoided it.

"Well, that's what I know. Quiet too, never really stood out." Copper continued, staring at Ayano.

Osoro seemed to have an idea, stopping Copper from speaking. Then she started talking.

"Listen up Aishi, I've been having some problems getting my hands on some fags as my usual dealer is movin' to a different area and I refuse to trust that Info-Bitch."

Osoro paused for a moment before continuing. "We can let you off the hook if you get me a pack of smokes for tomorrow evening. If you dare refuse us, me and my little group can beat you into the ground!" She finished with a growl.

Ayano was strong no doubt, but facing five armed delinquents no weapon was on her list if things that she never wanted to do ever. Besides, she could make this work...

She stood up straighter and replied.
"I would be happy to obtain a packet of cigarettes for you if it means not getting hurt." She smiled.

Purple Streak, who had her mask pulled down, opened her mouth to protest but was interrupted by her leader.

"Good. Meet me in the gardening club tomorrow at five." Osoro growled and began walking away with her cronies behind her.

Ayano also left, rubbing her throat. It still ached from the crowbar. Why did Purple Streak attack her? Did she know what Ayano was doing?

She now thought about her next problem, Osoro's cigarettes. Ayano suddenly remembered a book she needed to complete a history essay.

She sighed and re-entered the school to find the only place she could think of. Ayano managed to find the library quickly but didn't immediately go inside.

Kuu Dere was standing just inside the door, a book in her hand silently watching Musume Ronshaku strut down the corridor towards her.

Ayano herself stopped to watch.

Musume peeped around the library door to see a boy with dark blond slicked-back hair and aqua green eyes at the shelves. She squealed slightly and turned to Kuu.

"Oh hey hun, would you mind watching this for me? Thanks!"

Not waiting for an answer, Musume dropped her overdecorated designer bag at Kuu's feet and walked confidently towards the boy.

Struck by a sudden thought, Ayano quickly ducked down and searched through Musume's bag while Kuu was distracted watching the scene.

Ayano knew that Musume Ronshaku was one of the biggest smokers in the school, and that she always had a pack on her.

Hair clips, phone, earbuds, hand cream, makeup bag... Ah!

Ayano saw at the bottom of the bag two cigarette packs. One was open and half used while the other was still unopened and new by the looks of it. She grabbed the second packet and quickly stood back again to avoid suspicion.

Musume stormed out of the library again in a rage that meant obvious rejection. She snatched up her bag and stomped away, not even acknowledging Ayano's existence.

Remembering her first intentions, she took the book she needed and left the school quickly.

Arriving home, she made herself a quick dinner and completed her homework before getting an early night's sleep.

I'm sorry if I'm not able to update as frequently as you guys would like but I have other things like school (AGH) to prioritize.
I am trying my hardest though!

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