Chapter Seven -A Little Bit Of Sugar,

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Ayano worked hard into the night.
It was brilliant. Ayano had a plan and she needed to make it foolproof.
But something was missing and she could only get it in school.

Ayano yawned.
She changed into her blue pyjamas and climbed into bed. She fell asleep almost immediately, and had a dream about her senpai.

Ayano was nearly late again, having overslept. She wanted to track Amai-chan's movements (stalk her Ayano-chan, you mean stalk her) and she always took the longer route.

To keep her good attendance, Ayano pulled her second hand bicycle out of the garage and strapped her case to it. Soon she was on the long route, passing other students.

Amai was approaching the front gates when Ayano caught up. Amai was looking cheerful and greeted most of the people she passed.

Ayano placed her bike in the bike shed while she carefully watched Amai-chan talk to Yuna Hina, another cooking club member. Ayano got closer and could now hear what they were saying.

Yuna was smiling. "So you're going to confess to him?"
Amai nodded and blushed, looking far too cute and sweet for her liking.
Yuna squealed "Good for you! You deserve a nice guy like that!" She tilted her head in senpai's direction.

"Yeah... I guess you're right..."

Ayano just stood there while the two girls went into the school building.
Her hands were clenched and her face shadowed over. Her eyes lost their fake emotion and glow, making them appear doll-like.

She stayed like this for only a moment, snapping out of it and proceeding to grabbing her bag and heading straight to her language classroom.

She could not bear the sight of that girl staring at HER senpai any longer. Her teacher arrived in the classroom two minutes after she did. Although she was surprised to see a student in the classroom so early, Ayano's teacher was happy to let her help set up the classroom for that day's lesson.

Ayano was sitting quietly on her seat when her classmates finally arrived. The lesson wasn't very interesting, but Ayano worked hard all the same.

Leaving the classroom at the sound of the bell, the teacher thanked Ayano for helping out. Ayano herself didn't care one bit, but the fake kindness card played itself and Ayano left in a 'good mood'.

She had a very light lunch which she ate quickly before silently slipping away from the other students and following Amai-chan to the cooking club room.

Amai was carrying a cardboard box which she set down on the counter and started rummaging through.

Ayano had cut ahead in the corridor with a quicker route and reached the club room before Amai. She had picked a cabinet that was large enough for her and where she could get the best viewpoint.

"Ooh!" Amai exclaimed, pulling something out of the box. It was an mint green apron with large white bows and frills. There was also a matching maid headdress to go with it.

"It's so cute!" Amai folded the apron and headdress and put them on the counter. Ayano saw a blue note card on the side of the box witch Amai now inspected.

"Aww thank you guys..." She smiled to herself and put another smaller box onto the counter. "I will wear it this evening!" She announced before leaving.

Although the apron rubbish wasn't at all helpful, Ayano was curious. She left her hiding spot and squinted at the label on the box.

"Dear Amai-chan"

"We just wanted to get you this to say that we all love you here in the club and that you are the best leader we could ever have. We know that you are graduating this year and we will be sorry to lose you, but we are so happy with you leading this club when we are here!

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