Chapter Nine -Drama Queen

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It was a school day on Tuesday. Ayano left for school early, walking slowly and thinking over her idea. She had taken inspiration from how Kizana had everyone do her bidding.

She took out her phone and texted Info Chan.

"How can I get another student to kill someone?"

"Payment first."


Ayano texted a pantie shot she had taken last week.

"Good work, now I have a picture of Mai Waifu's panties. Now, you wanted a way to make one student kill another?"


"I assume it's Kizana-chan you're after? Well listen, you can only make a student kill another by breaking their minds. You would need to kidnap a victim first, and then..."

Something stirred inside Ayano and she smiled.

"How can I kidnap another student?"


Ayano sighed and texted another pantie shot.

"You will first need tranquilizer fluid and a syringe. Both can be found in the nurse's office. You have to steal them when she is not there."

"Then what?"

"You have to ask a student to follow you to a storage room with a music case in it. Check that you are alone, and tranquilize her. Lock her in the music case and return during the night to bring her home."



Ayano put her phone back in her pocket as she turned a corner, just in time to see the first students arrive.

The first girl she saw was Saki Miyu, a cyan haired girl whom she had befriended last year, before she had met her senpai. She was a... Friend...

She would trust us then.

She decided to wait until after school to kidnap Saki, who she had chosen due to her trusting and friendly nature.

After Amai's death, the cooking club had disbanded. People would think that Saki had just gone straight home. Now she just had to get her hands on the tranquilizer.

Her first lesson was biology. It was equally interesting and useful. Learning more about the weaknesses of the human body could be extremely handy.

When the lunch bell rang, Ayano left for the courtyard. From her favorite 'stalking point' she could hear Kizana's conversation with Saki.

"I mean, I'm good looking, elegant and popular!" "There is no way he can refuse me!" Kizana looked over at senpai, who was busy eating his lunch. "Oh don't worry Saki, I was a good friend of Amai-chan's, she wouldn't mind me... inheriting her man..."

Ayano saw Saki nod. Wow, she is gullible...

All the better.

I cannot let her get away with this...

I know, we should have some fun with her...

Ayano turned away from the pair, her eyes clearly glassy and soulless. Her fists clenched and she wasn't even breathing. Her mouth formed a smile, manic and inhuman.

Fun times lie ahead.

Once that thought flashed across her mind, Ayano's eyes filled with false emotion and the manic smile vanished. She blinked, not sure of what just happened.

She took a deep breath and left for her gym class. After gym which wasn't particularly strenuous today, Ayano changed back into her uniform and headed straight for the nurse's office while the other girls showered.

Ayano had to be quick. The nurse was now back at the gym checking up a girl that may have sprained her ankle. Ayano searched carefully before she found a small bottle of tranquilizer liquid.

She finally found a new syringe in a drawer when she heard footsteps. Ayano slid under a bed next to the door, the syringe and tranquilizer safely in her pocket.

The nurse walked in, guiding a girl with brown hair to a chair. "Let me get something for that ankle..." the nurse told the girl, walking over to a cabinet with her back turned to the door.

Ayano had to take a risk. She moved slowly at first, but shifted into the correct position and crawled out from under the bed quickly and silently.

Once she was out in the corridor, Ayano ran back outside as the girls entered the school building. Ayano made sure that Saki had her bag when she tapped her on the shoulder. It would look suspicious if Saki's stuff was still there and she had disappeared.

"Hey Saki? Could you come with me please, we need to talk about something." Saki looked surprised for a moment before nodding. "As long as it doesn't take too long!"

Ayano led her down the corridor and into a storage room near the back if the school. She closed the door behind her and held the syringe behind her back. "So, why are we- what's that?!"

Before Saki could react, Ayano had jabbed the syringe into her arm and Saki slumped, fast asleep. Ayano lifted her into an instrumental case and locked it, dropping the key in her pocket.

Ayano went home immediately after that. It was late when Ayano took the case back home to her house. She tied up Saki in her basement and waited.

"Whu-whhuu..." Saki mumbled, her eyelids fluttering.

"Good evening Saki-chan..."

"We are going to play a little game."

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now