Chapter Thirteen -Two Birds With One Stone

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Ayano was told off for being late but she didn't seem to be in serious trouble. Physical education was taking place in the gym today due to the bad weather.

Kyoshi Taiso, who was the gym teacher, was making the class do a routine of skipping, stretching and general sweaty activities. Koharu Hinata was nearly in tears by the end. The exercise wasn't particularly difficult for Ayano, but was still tired and sweaty when it finished.

"Alright class, it's nearly lunchtime, so can I ask you to collect your things and make your way to the showers." The gym teacher called in her loud and confidant voice. "Hinata, I want to see you improve on your ball-throwing."

Ayano withstood Koharu's complaining about gym until they got to the girl's showers. After she washed and dried, Ayano collected her things and walked to the courtyard for lunch.

It was a dark and dull day but most of the students that hung out in the courtyard were still there. But today there was someone new.

The girl from that morning was sitting next to senpai. Ayano narrowed her eyes and sat down on a bench and opened up her lunch, quietly watching senpai and the strange girl.

Ayano managed to sneak out her phone and snap a picture of the mysterious girl. She then sent it to Info-chan, making sure that nobody saw. It helped to be discrete.

Do you know who this girl is?

Ayano sent with the photo.

Ah. I was wondering when you would notice.

Ayano who was slightly confused, texted back

So you know who she is?

Just meet me in the trophy room at 5:00 this evening and I will tell you everything you need to know.

Ayano put her phone away, cursing Info Chan for being so vague. She noted the circle of placed flowers near the main entrance of the courtyard, with a photo of Saki and Kizana tied to each one.

A girl who Ayano recognised as Yui Rio entered and stepped on part of it, crushing some of the flowers and crumpling a few photos. Yui looked down... And smiled...

Ayano could spot that Yui clearly did not care for her friend's deaths.
I'm going to keep an eye on her...

That evening's chemistry lesson came and Ayano soon found herself hurrying towards the 3rd floor trophy room as 5:00 approached.

Ayano slid the door shut behind her as she entered the dark room. The window was open and a cool breeze gently ruffled Ayano's hair. A shadow moved slightly in the corner and Ayano spun around, a knife pointing at Info Chan's face.

"Quick reflexes... nice." She chuckled and gently pushed Ayano's knife away from her nose. Ayano relaxed and put her knife away. "Why did you want to meet me here?" She asked, straining to keep the forcefulness out of her voice.

Info Chan held up her phone, the photo of the strange girl flashing on the screen.

"Hanako Yamada. Sixteen years old. Class 1-3. No crush. Generally known as a sweet girl, but quite possessive and is determined to keep her brother's attention."

Info Chan adjusted her glasses and spoke. "She is a dangerous rival and must be eliminated."

Ayano stared at Info Chan. "She lusts after her brother? That is disgusting... Why would there be anyone like that at this school?"

Info Chan raised a finely arched eyebrow. "You are a teenage girl who kills people out of love and I sell panty shots and assist said murderer. Because that's soo normal at our school. But no, she does not lust after her brother."

"Then why must I eliminate her?"

Info Chan put her phone back in her pocket before replying. "She is upset that her brother is busier now and can't play with her as much and is worried that a girl in his life would take up all of his time."

Ayano nodded then raised an eyebrow. "Couldn't you have told me over text?"

Info Chan didn't reply and simply pointed at a large framed photograph in one of the well-polished glass cabinets.

The picture showed three students, two girls and a boy all wearing swimsuits. Ayano's eyes were drawn to the middle girl, the one with short blond hair, tanned skin and bright blue eyes. She was clutching a trophy that was also on display in that room.

Info Chan smiled at Ayano as she scanned the text on the bottom of the photo.

Akademi High swim team.

Captain: Asu Rito
Teammates: Kuniko Hidaka, Waturu Inoya

Ayano looked back at Info Chan, who had a knowing smile on her face that did nothing but annoy her. Then she spoke.

"Asu Rito. Class 3-1. Is known by her peers as a lively, energetic girl who's always open to making new friends. Another believer of the cherry tree myth, she plans to confess to her... crush this week."

Ayano would have known what Info Chan was saying even without the hesitation on a certain word. She felt something shift inside her.

Double the fun then.

Ayano felt the fist that she formed. Fingernails digging into her palms and controlling herself the best she could, she nodded.

"I should go now. It's getting late." She said, taking a deep breath.

She felt Info Chan's smile on the back of her neck as she exited the trophy room and even as she walked through the halls.

She left through the school gates, an idea forming in her head.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now