Chapter Twenty Two -No Seriously I have No Idea What To Call This One

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Budo Masuta, the lively dark hairef haired boy felt his face go red as he passed her in the corridor. She didn't notice him obviously, but she looked busy.
And pretty.

Budo hid his face with his bag until he got to the empty hallway leading to the library. On ever weekday, he would go down there with the rest of the Martial Arts Club.

Budo himself wasn't very was the leader, but he often fell behind in classes so had to get the help of another member.. And he had just managed to catch up to him.

"Hey Juku..." Budo muttered, not looking at his best friend.

"Budo? What's wrong? You look like a tomato, do you like someone...?"

Budo felt his face explode with heat as he registered this question. "W-what?! I don't... Like anyone..."

Juku smirked. "Oh yeah? I saw you and that girl making goo-goo eyes at each other."

Juku was usually never this cocky. He was quiet, obedient and studious. Only when he joined the Martial Arts Club did he become this confident. Maybe his 'aura' rubbed off him?

"W-we weren't making goo-goo eyes..." Budo pouted like a two year old.

His friend sighed and dropped the smirk. "Fine. But I know you were... So? Why not ask her out? I thought you were the confident one!"

Budo looked into Juku's eyes. "Uhm, well, I don't know if I..."
He was interrupted by a playful shove from Juku. "Ow!"

He laughed. "Idiot, that didn't hurt! Anyway, that isn't you, why would you pull out of the chance of claiming the love of your life?"

"Shut up..." Budo grinned through his blushes and shoved Juku back, who laughed. "Well I suppose it is only logical..."

Juku nodded and said "I could help you out, be your ultimate wingman!"

Shao smiled again but shook his head. "You helping me? Yes. But the wingman thing? I think I want a private confession..."

Juku adjusted his headband and thought for a moment.
"So what you're saying is... You want to something romance for this girl... Rather then something Budo style?"

"Well... Yeah." Budo nodded.

"So how about tonight?" Juku grinned mischievously.


"Come on, this is Budo I'm talking to! Hello? Take a chance! I'll have Mina host the club tonight!"

Shao stayed bashful for a moment before brightening up and grinning at his best friend. "Yeah! I'm Budo Masuta, and I will ask her out!"

Juku smiled and walked away with Budo at his side. "You could give meet her somewhere private and..."

Budo and Juku sat down and stated to quietly plan that night. "Private ok? That means I don't want you hanging around."

"Sure, you want privacy and I'll let you have it." Juku smiled.

The rest of the day was split between lessons and planning for that evening.
At the end of the last lesson of the day, (a particularly boring history class) Budo spoke to Juku at the school gate one last time.

"You left the note? Did you get the location right? You feel ok?"
Juku questioned him.

"It's fine Juku, I'm feeling fine!" Budo grinned, back to his old confident self.

Juku began to walk away and called back "Tell me how it went tomorrow!"

Budo stood there alone for a moment before taking a deep breath and leaving to wait at the location he had planned.

Meanwhile, Ayano Aishi of class 2-1, opened her locker.

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