Chapter Twenty Eight -The Fun Girl

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Black smoke started to rise all around both Taro and the monstrous girl in front of him. It wasn't long until they were completely engulfed and there was nothing but darkness all around.

Taro coughed and rubbed his eyes. But he could still only see black. Both Ayano and the girl had gone. Realizing that his arms and legs were free, he tried to stand up.

However, there was nothing to stand up on, the strange invisible floor that had been there before was gone. He was just floating in this empty void.

No... It wasn't empty.

A tiny white glimmer caught Taro's eye. It was a small glass ball, floating about two feet away from him.

Not knowing what else to do, he grabbed it and stared at it. The ghostly white light coming from within it pulsated gently.

Without warning, the ball exploded into a million tiny sparkles. Taro watched the tiny things zoom around in a circle so fast he couldn't see them.

The silver cloud suddenly cleared up to reveal...

"What you are seeing are memories taken directly from Ayano's mind..."

Taro couldn't see the girl anywhere, but the voice still came, loud and unsettling.


Taro then realised what he was looking at.

Below him was a scene. It was a street corner, the same one he took walking to school every day. He saw himself, looking concerned and reaching out a hand to a girl on the ground.


It was indeed Ayano who was lying on the path, her bag not far away. Her face was bright pink staring up at him.

"I... Remember this day..."

Taro could see it clearly now, the frozen scene in front of him was the day when he and Ayano crashed into each other on the way to school. The day they first met...

As soon as Taro came to this realisation, the scene changed.

Taro very nearly screamed.

It was the side of the school, near the incinerator and just beside the side doors. Ayano and Osana were there. Ayano had Osana pinned down with one hand and in the other, a knife was raised high, the blood flying off it frozen in the air.

Horrible stab wounds peppered Osana's body and her mouth was wide open in a silent scream.

Taro couldn't see Ayano's face from where he was, but he didn't think he'd want to see it anyway.

Then the scene dissolved and put itself back together again, but differently this time.

It was another street, but it was dark and cloudy here. Taro remembered this too. He looked down at himself, holding a black umbrella over both the heads of himself and Ayano, who was walking beside him.

Although the rain was frozen in time, Taro could almost hear it. He blinked, and it changed again.

This time, Taro did scream. No sound could be heard in this void-like world, but it was there.

For the scene set out in front of him, was the one that separated him and his sister forever.

It was the computer room, Hanako had just fallen backwards onto her knees, in front of an open drawer full of video game cartridges.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now