Chapter Six -Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words

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Tuesday wasn't particularly eventful, although Ayano was now tracking Amai-chan's movements. She learned and recorded the little things that she did, such as her habit of laying out all of her needed ingredients before getting ready to cook or the places she usually went during the day.

It was 8:15, and the students of Akademi High were making their way to their classrooms. Ayano Aishi was no different.

She went with her classmates to the chemistry lab where their teacher Rino Fuka would be continuing her lesson on toxins and poisonous substances.

The lesson was quite interesting. But Ayano had other things on her mind. The teacher had just finished giving the students a lecture on washing their hands after every chemistry lesson and the bell rang out, signalling the start of lunch.

Ayano took her lunch to the cafeteria. She was about to sit down however something caught the corner of her eye.

Amai Odayaka, the cooking club president, was walking towards the courtyard doors. Ayano put down her bread roll and snuck out after her.

Amai had her notebook out again and was sitting on a bench near... senpai...
Ayano crouched behind the nearest door where she could get a clear view.

"Hi!" Senpai waved at Amai-chan, who waved back and blushed. A dark frown crept across Ayano's face.
She crept closer, and got behind her favorite stalking tree.

"What are you doing?" Asked senpai, genuinely curious. The stupid girl blushed and fumbled with her pen. "Oh, I'm doing a special cake recipe for the cooking club tomorrow night and I'm just looking for inspiration for the decoration!"

Senpai grinned before looking back to his lunch. "Oh ok, that sounds cool!"

She dared to speak to my senpai.
MY senpai.

Ayano edged a little closer so that she could see her notebook. There was indeed a cake design on the page, but it looked completed and finely detailed.


Amai was now on a new page, and drew the outline of a face. A boy's face. Her senpai's face.

She nearly screamed when she saw the little hearts the stupid girl was drawing around the picture. Ayano took a deep breath and snuck back through the doors.

She devoured the rest of her lunch furiously, only just finishing in time for class. That little bitch. Ayano thought. She is not going to get away with this.

She fumed through biology covering it up well. At 4:30, Ayano grabbed up all her stuff and left, rushing home with the thoughts of two beings merging.

"I can NOT let her get away with this!"
"Fun times lie ahead."

Bolting through her front door, she rushed to her room and pulled out pencils and paper.

She could set her on fire, drop something heavy onto her, drown her electrocute her, bully her, befriend and betray her...


A drawing that Ayano had done when she was eight floated down from a shelf and landed in front of her.

The paper had a birthday cake drawn in pen on it. Ayano stared at it. She never really felt anything towards the thing, but that was the same with everything.

But now it gave her an idea.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun -a Yandere Simulator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now