Chapter Eighteen - Ghost Girl

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Taro didn't have the strength to cry as he watched the news that evening.

Murder at Local High School

Local school Akademi High has today reported a murder within their grounds.
The sixteen year old student Hanako Yamada has been found dead at 4:54 this evening in the school computer room. A search by the police has discovered a sports bat covered in the blood of the dead girl. Fingerprints on the weapon have been traced back to Asu Rito, a girl in her final year and captain of the school's swim team. Rito has been arrested by the police.

Taro turned down the TV volume and pulled the blanket over his head. His mom came in with a steaming mug of tea which she left on the table for her son. She wiped the extra tears from her eyes and left to call the funeral director.

Taro sat up and began to drink the hot fluid. His head was throbbing and he desperately needed sleep. He finished his drink and left the mug on the table.

He got into his pajamas and just got into bed. Waiting for that day to just be over.

Ayano slept soundly for most of that weekend and got up on Monday morning happy and refreshed. Finding out that senpai wasn't going to be in school for most of that week was a serious downer for her however, and she soon looked as miserable and gloomy as everyone else.

At lunchtime, Akio approached her, gray faced, with a tearful Nami holding onto his arm. "I-I just came to say that I've been talking to the vice-principle and we think that it would be best if we disbanded the club."

It was so easy to fool these people.

Ayano nodded gloomily and left Akio and Nami to talk it out with each other.

Ayano picked up her bag and rushed to the bathroom, where she threw up in the toilet. "Uhgh..." She mumbled, wiping her mouth. She had been feeling strange lately, like she was sick with something very odd.

Odd. She thought.

My kind usually don't get sick.

She stared into the mirror and a black haired girl with dark eyes stared back. She blinked and for a second, her reflection showed her a girl with her black ponytail, but eyes more shadowy then at all natural and blood soaking into her hair and clothing.

A part of Ayano gasped and another laughed. Her hand flew into her bag and grasped the folded umbrella that senpai had left her. It was the only thing that made her feel better when she was like this.

She looked up and her reflection was back to normal. She left the bathroom and walked over to a vending machine.

I need to wash that taste out of my mouth...

Ayano had some coins in her hand and was about to insert them into the machine when she was knocked forward and the coins went flying.

"Eek! Uh, um, s-sorry..." Said a tired looking girl with messy dark purple hair and spiderweb stockings. She apologized again and again when she crouched on the floor to pick up and return the dropped coins.

The black notebook that the girl was holding fell open on the ground next to her revealing sketches of monsters and demons and...

On one page of the notebook, there was a drawing of a boy with dark hair who looked remarkably like-


The girl saw her notebook open on the ground and grabbed it up blushing. She got up and held out her hand, all of Ayano's money in the girl's palm.

Ayano took it and noticed the red armband of leadership on the girl's arm. "S-sorry..." She apologized one more time before running off.

A girl like that? A club leader?

Forgetting about her snack, Ayano went after her, following her to the occult club room.

Ah. Of course. A girl like that could only be the leader of the occult club.

Ayano snapped a picture of her and left, sending the picture to Info Chan with a message.

Go on. Educate me.

Ah, that's Oka Ruto, the president of the occult club.

Why did I find pictures of my senpai in her notebook??

Well she's been crushing on him for a long time, but has never been courageous enough to confess her feelings. But just last week she found a method of voodoo that could help her get her loved one. And I think it's going to work.

When is she planning to use it?

This week.

I have to stop her.

I get that, just let me give you a hint as to how. Even the strangest and most paranoid will do anything for a friend when no-one else will go near her.


Hang on a moment.

Ayano managed to learn from Info Chan that Oka was extremely shy and quite paranoid and that really her only friends were her strange companions in the occult club. If only she could catch her on her own...

Ayano spent her afterschool time thinking until something came to her.

Got it! I could frame her for something bad and make everyone turn against her... Like...

She sat in the courtyard watching the Basu sisters giggle and gossip. Sakyu Basu took out a small circular box and opened it to reveal a gold bracelet with little purple stones.

"Like it Inky?"

Inkyu Basu, her little sister gasped at the pretty ring and nodded.

"I got it yesterday after I was at the nail salon." Sakyu explained.

Ayano got interested and turned her head to look at the other people there.
Apart from herself, there was Sakyu and Inkyu Basu, Kuu Dere, Mei Mio, Yui Rio and Oka Ruto.


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