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—-Lucy's pov—-

"Good morning kids this week is a special week, the school is having a dance after our first football game, for this year!" I sigh. Parties are never really my thing. "This dance will take place in our gym, at 7:00, this Friday. Hopefully I can see you all there!" Mr. Makarov finally finishes his announcement.

I'm sitting here in my first period class, completely bored. I normally like school, just hate having geometry in the damn morning. Too much thinking for someone at 7:00am.

I sigh staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring, my eyes dart back and forth between the board and the clock. Finally the teacher speaks after writing whatever none sense were gonna be doing today.

"Alright class were going to be really getting into school now, last week was just a 'welcome back' we are going to be having a quiz this Friday, so take some notes and study everyone!" A quiz already? You've got to be kidding me.

The teacher keeps on blabbing about whatever it is, I'm just here writing anything she writes on the board.

And without even realizing it, the bell rings. "Alright kids I'll see you all tomorrow don't forget about the quiz this Friday." I pack up all my books from my desk, and shove it all into my backpack, and head toward my locker to wait for Levy.

I finally got her to drop the whole thing about music camp, and insisted nothing happened. I know I should've told her, but I don't really want to even be thinking about it right now. And I really don't want anyone to hear us talking.

"Hey Lu! how was class?" She asks although I'm not sure why I give her the same response every time, "Nah I'm just kidding, I already know well who you asking to the dance?" I roll my eyes, she also knows I'm not the biggest fan of dances, I may know how to dance, but that doesn't make me any good at it.

"No one I'm not going," I say turning around to open my locker.

She frowns, "Come on Lu, if you don't go with anyone how about we just go together? I don't have a date either."  I smile at her.

"Don't give me that Levy, why don't you ask Gajeel you've been crushing on him since middle school!" She blushes.

"Shhhh Lucy!! Someone might hear you.." I giggle a little, "And I can't he wouldn't like me." She frowns.

"Come on Levy you don't know that for sure, and beside anyone stupid enough not to like you must be out of their mind your amazing Lev." She smiles at me.

"Hey guys!" I turn around to see Wendy waving at us, she's walking with Erza, and Carla following closely behind them, trying to get away from Happy.

I smile at them,"Hey Wendy how you liking High school?" I ask knowing she just started high school.

"It's alright I guess nothing too different," she giggles. "Happy here has been with me and Carla all week, he was supposed to be showing us around. But he seems to be a little too distracted." She turns to point at Happy. I see Happy trying to offer Carla some fish.

I laugh a little, "Aww that's so cute! How come Natsu didn't show you around though?" Levy asks.

I shiver hearing his voice, "Well I guess you can say he was too busy for me, so he sent Happy in his place." She responded.

Erza puts a hand on Wendy's shoulder, "Would you like me to talk to him?" She smiles. "I can't knock some sense into him."

Wendy laughs, "No it's okay Erza don't worry about it."

"Wendy can we please go look for Natsu so we can give Tom cat back to him!" Carla whines.

"But Carlaaa" Happy starts to cry. "Lushieee Carla is being a bully." He flies into my chest crying, I just pat his head.

"Hey girls whats going on?" I turn to see Loke smiling at us. "Am I interrupting you guys?"

"No not at all!" Wendy smiles back at him.

"Hey Loke," Erza greets him, "Where is everyone else?" She smiles.

"Well I was just talking to Natsu, but Lisanna took him away as usual." They laugh.

"Sounds about right," Levy says.

"So did you need something Loke?" I asked him.

"Actually yeah if you guys don't mind, I wanted to talk to Lucy." Levy smirks.

"Oooh yeah of course! We were just leaving." She turns to the other girls and start pushing them in the other direction. Damn you Levy.

"Hah so I was just wondering if you were going to the dance?" I sigh.

"I wasn't planning on it, I didn't really have anyone to go with." He smiles.

"Same here, why don't we go together?" Well I guess it could be a good distraction.

I smile back, "Uhh yeah that sounds like fun."

"Sounds good, I'll see you later than Lucy."

—-After school—-

—-Natsu's pov—-

Jeez I don't know why this girl wants to go to the damn dance, I guess cause she's a cheerleader. "Yeah Lisanna we can go."

She smiles at me, "Great!" She kisses my cheek, "Alright Natsu I've got to go to home now, Big Brother Elf and Mira is waiting for me." I smile and nod.

I guess since school is out I should go find Wendy, I turn the corner to see Lucy talking to Levy. I decide to go up to see if they seen Wendy.

"Hey girls," I greet them I see Lucy freeze. "You guys seen my little sister?" I ask.

"We just saw her walking home with Romeo." Levy says, I nod.

I look at Lucy, she's just looking at me not saying anything so I decide to mess with her a little. "Something wrong Luce?" I smile. "You see something you like?" Lucy snaps out of it.

"Your full of it." She says, "Lets go Levy." She says grabbing her hand walking away.

Well damn what did I ever do to her.

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