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—-Lucy's pov—-

I was still in the nurses office until I heard sirens, going off. A rush of relief went over me. Everything went by so slow, the nurses acting like she was the one pregnant and "breathing for me." Which kinda scared me. Natsu was just staring at me holding my hand tightly. He seemed kind of spaced out and shocked about what's about to happen.

Than people started rushing into the nurses office, they were trying to pry Natsu off of me. Since he wouldn't let my hand go. Something was off about him, he was acting over protective, but yet he was out of it.

"Sir we need to take your girlfriend to the hospital. Trust me, we will take care of her. You seem a little faint, why not go home and rest for a little." The guy was gently talking to Natsu. "And than we will have the doctor call you when your girlfriend isn't in so much pain." They rubbed his shoulder.

"No are you kidding she's in pain I'm not going to leave her, you must be crazy she needs me." They sighed.

"Well we need you to let go of her so we can get her into the ambulance." Natsu breathed in and out.

"Fine but I'm sitting back there with her." They nodded and he let go of me.

They helped me into the stretcher once they were ready to wheel me out of the school, Natsu was back to standing right next me. We made it out of the school and thats when the sun hit me, it was so bright. Than I believe the baby started kicking again, I'm not sure what's happening. But all I know the pain came back.

My face started scrunching up, trying to breath. They finally wheeled me into the ambulance. Natsu quickly followed behind and sat on the little benches back there, and held my hand again. Then the guy started talking again.

"Hey crystal get back here help her, she's in pain again." I can hear her walking back here, she sits on the other side of me from Natsu. I started breathing really hard because the pain felt as if it got worse.

"Come on sweetie just breathe in through you nose, and out through your mouth." I listened to her throughout the process of getting to the hospital. "What's your name?" I kept breathing until I was finally able to answer her.

"I'm L-lucy." I managed to breath out. She nods.

"That's a pretty name, alright whats your parents name?" I was wondering why she kept asking me all these questions.

"Um...Layla and Jude." She smiles at me.

She looks out the window, "Alright we're here." I sighed in relief noticing that it didn't take that long to get there.

—-Natsu's pov—-

I was just sitting there watching the lady ask Lucy all these questions. Not knowing why, Maybe it was to keep her mind off the pain she was feeling I'm not sure. But I'm worried about Lucy, she looks like she's in a lot of pain.

I'm glad I didn't get pregnant, I mean wait, Can guys get pregnant? I don't know I'm just happy I'm not. I shake my head trying to get that thought out of my head. I followed everyone into the hospital, and into the room they put Lucy in.

I sat on the small couch they have in the corner of the room. I guess for people like me. Just to sit here watching her push a baby out, I wonder how that process works. I mean when Wendy was born I was there at the hospital with my foster parents but I wasn't allowed in the room with them. I'm not sure why, it's not like people were naked in here right?

Than it hit me, are these damn doctors gonna see my Luce naked? I need to request that there are no boys in here. Those damn perverts, I can't believe these dang hospitals I bet they like when women get pregnant huh? Jesus I need this process to hurry up so I can have Lucy all to myself.

I sat there for a minute to think, 'What the fuck and I thinking about? I sound dumb don't I? "But what if it's true?" I said this under my breath in hopes Lucy couldn't hear. But I was cut out of my thoughts by Lucy's voice.

"Natsu..?" I get up to walk over by Lucy on the bed.

"Are you okay baby?" She nods a little. "What's wrong?" I asked.

I know there's something bothering her. "I'm scared." She whispers but loud enough for me to hear.

I grab her hand and squeeze it gently. "It's okay I'll be here the whole time," I give her my toothy grin. "I'm not going anywhere Luce." I lean down and kiss her on the forehead.

She smiles at me, "Can you keep holding my hand please?" I smile too.

"Of course." I decided to grab a chair to pull over by her bed so I can sit next to her. I sit down and scratched the back of my neck. "What are you thinking about Lucy?" She turns her head over towards me.

"I'm hungry." She says faintly, I laugh.

"Alright any requests? I can go out and get you something to eat?" She nods.

"Can I have a burger?" My smile fades.

"Your favorite one? couldn't you just picked something close by?" She stares at me.

"I'm craving that burger Natsu," She sends me death glares. I roll my eyes. "Natsuuu I thought you cared about me..." She started to cry.

What the hell? She was just mad and now shes crying? "Alright Lucy calm down, I'll get it just calm down." She starts staring at me again.

"Don't tell me to calm down! You put yourself in my damn shoes I'm pregnant and I'm hungry, imagine if you were sitting here trying not to scream and with everyone repeating 'just breath, just breath' and I swear if I hear it one more time I'm going to strangle someone, I'm about to push our damn babys big head out of my-" I cut her off.

"Alright Lucy I'm going now, I'll be right back."


I got back just an hour later, Once I got back to her room. She was already fast asleep. I smile at her, and laid on the couch. And I was fast asleep too.

But next think I knew. Lucy was screaming. My eyes widened, and I rush over to her.

"Get this damn child out of me!" She started yelling at me. I grabbed her hand and she started squeezing the life out of it.

Than nurses and doctors came into the room, "Alright Miss. Heartfilia I'm gonna need you to start pushing!" And so she did. But never stopped squeezing my hand.


"Alright Lucy one last big push, you can do it." Said the doctor holding the babys head. Than the nurse came up where I am starting talking to her again.

"Come on Lucy keep breathi-..." Lucy starting yelling.

"Don't even finish that damn sentence, I will hop off this damn bed with my damn baby head hanging out of me and I'll stragg-..." I cut her off again.

"Lucy look at me, don't you want to see our babys beautiful eyes? Come on, one last push." And she did just that, and than I heard the baby cry. Thats when I freaked out.

"Oh my god! Is my baby okay? Why is it crying? Daddys here don't cry!!" All the nurses and doctors looked at me like I was crazy.

"Sir its a good sign that the baby is crying." I sighed in relief.

"Alright doc? boy or girl." I asked.

The doctor was cleaning the baby up, wrapping it up in a blanket putting a small little hat on its head to keep it even more warm.

Than the doctor handed the baby to Lucy.

"Well its a..."

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