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—-Natsu's pov—-

Finally i've got everything in place, the kids are with my mom, and I booked the ticket. I just have three hours to buy something for Lucy's birthday. I grab my keys off my desk and head down the stairs.

"Hey mom! I'm going to head to the mall real quick, still trying to figure out what to get Lucy." I yell as I'm coming down the stairs.

"Shhhh I just got the kids to sleep Natsu!" she fires back at me, "but okay hurry you don't wanna be late for your flight, also buy her a locket, like you know those one with the pictures inside of it? and put a picture of you and the kids, it'll be so cute." I smile knowing Lucy would like something like that.

"Hey and don't forget the flowers and chocolate girls loves those things," my dad chips in. "And just head to the airport now, you can buy all that stuff when you get there, it's not that bug of a deal she'll just be happy to see you that's all." I sigh knowing he's right.

I give them a hug and kiss the kids on the cheek, "Tell Wendy Ill see her later." I say as I leave throughout the door.

I pick up my luggage and place it in the trunk of Grays car, he's driving me there since I'm leaving my car here.

I open the door to sit in the passenger seat. "Hey man thanks for coming I appreciate it." Gray nods.

"Sure thing bro, you ready to go than?" I shake my head yes, as I'm putting on my seatbelt.


I'm now sitting on the plane just eating my goldfish crackers, and juice that the people gave me. Makes me think of Nashi because of how much she likes goldfish.

Speaking of the kids, maybe I should look for the perfect picture of us for the locket. I'm looking through my camera roll and I actually find one with Lucy in it too, we were out on a dinner.

Lucy had her hair up in a bun, with a pink coat on. She's holding onto Lukas, and he's smiling while him and I are wearing matching scarfs. And I'm hold Nashi and she's got her hair in a bun just like Lucy with also a matching coat.

"That's the perfect picture" I say smiling to myself.


Finally the plane landed and I get off and order and uber to the nearest mall to buy her that locket.

My phone is blowing up with missed calls from Lucy, probably trying to see the kids. But I'm trying to surprise her.

The uber driver pulls up in front of me and I hop into the backseat, and he drives off as soon as her hears the seatbelt click.


I hop out the car finally making it to the mall, I go into the first jewelry store I can find.

"Hey excuse me," I say calling for the person behind the counter.

"Yes? how can I help you."  she says giving me a small smile.

"I'm actually looking for something specific, I'm looking for a locket. You know like the ones where you can open up and put a picture inside?" She nods.

"We have a perfect one right over here, follow me." I follow her to the other side of the store, she picks up the box that the necklace is sitting inside of.

It's a gold necklace with the locket shaped as a heart. "Yes that's perfect!" I say getting a excited.

"I'm glad you like it, follow me back over to the register." She takes the box and bring it with her to the register, "Is there a picture of some sort would you like to print out? We can put it inside for you." I nod, and show her the picture on my phone, she takes it and plugs it into her computer.

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