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—-Lucy's pov—-

Weeks has passed since the babies were born. Natsu hasn't once left my side. Work has been very tiring. I wish Natsu would get a damn job, cause I've been doing this money thing by myself for the longest now. I'll talk to him later about it I guess, not like it would make any difference though, he's hard headed.

But ever since that phone call I had with the girls, they've been teasing me about how I was a bad kisser, Like they've gotten so annoying. It's been stuck in my head and I can't seem to stop thinking about it. That's why I asked Natsu about it that day, but happy interrupted us, as usual.

I guess I can ask him about that today as well.

I got up to look for my phone, trying to figure out what time it was. I can't be late to school. I have to get used to this new schedule. I grab my phone, and look the time.


I sigh, the kids have to be at daycare at 8:00. I hate waking up this early.

I get up to head to the bathroom, to hop into the shower. I suddenly hear a small noise coming from my room. I hop out the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I crack the door a little, and there was standing Natsu in front of my bed rubbing the back of his head.

"Are you serious Natsu ? I gave you the key to my apartment, you could've just used the front door." He laughs a little.

"Yeah I know, but...I kind of..sort of lost the key?" I sigh.

"Are you serious ? This is the third key I've given you." He grins.

"Let's not think about that right now." he smirks, "You know we could skip school today."

I roll my eyes, "And why exactly would we do that?"

"I mean your already naked, it will only take a second to throw my clothes off." I slapped him. "Ow! what was that for ?"

"It's for being a pervert, we're going to School."

He sighs, "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before, I mean that is why we got kids now."

"Ugh! Go make some food for the kids while I get dressed." He rolls his eyes.

"Lucy you know I can't cook!" I sigh. "Lemme stay here with you pleaseeee."

"Natsu I meant the milk I pumped for them last night, they can't have solid food yet, they have no teeth stupid."

"I don't know how to make the milk though."

I face palm. "Natsu it's already in a bottle, just switch the top of it to one of the nipples."

"Ugh fine."

I smile, he's such a baby. But he's gonna learn how to do all this stuff, I'm not gonna be the only doing things around here.

I walk over to my dresser, grabbing my underwear and my bra. I take the towel off and put it on. As I was standing there with nothing but my bra and underwear, the door swings open.

"Luccyyy!!! I don't know how to do this !...oh oops.." I run over to the door.

"Figure it out idiot!" And slam the door in his face.

Damn you Natsu, learn how to fucking knock. That damn idiot, don't know how to do what? Screw a lid off a bottle!?

I put my clothes on, and grab some clothes for the babies. I walk over to their bedroom, where they were still sound asleep. Well at least Nashi was, Lukas was up and giggling. Natsu and I call him by his middle name sometimes

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