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—-Natsu's pov—-

"What are you guys planning the party for?" I was so confused why Lucy needed a party.

"Dude it's a baby shower." Gray punches me in the arm as if I should of known that.

"So the party is for Lucy, but their washing a baby?" I scratch the back of my head, still confused.

"What the hell Salamander you can't be that stupid." Gajeel laughs at me.

"Yo firebreath why don't you just ask Lucy what the party is for, I'm sure she will tell you."

Dammit Gray I'll beat your ass one day. "What's the big idea popsicle, you want to fight me right now?"

"Go talk to Lucy idiot." Gajeel turns and leaves along with Gray.

"Pfff well he was scared."

I left to go find Lucy, when I found her she was sitting by herself in the cold.

"Hey Lucy are you cold?" I say taking my jacket off wrapping it around her.

"Thanks Natsu." She continues to look at the sky.

"Are you ready for our date Lucy?" I decided to ask her later, about the party.

She looks at me a nods, I decided to take her to the park under the sakura tree. I thought she would like that. I just hope she does, she told me once before she's never really seen one, since she's hasn't lived out her forever. She's lived with her dad most of her life, but that's all she would tell me.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

I smile, "It's a surprise." I grab her hand, guiding her to my car. Opening the door for her, she gets into the car and I close the door.

I start to drive to the park, as we got closer I realized it won't be much of a surprise if she sees all the other sakura tree's around the park.

"Hey Lucy close your eyes." She giggles.

"Really Natsu?" She looks at me smiling.

"Yes of course and no peaking." She chuckles. But closes her eyes, once we made it I parked the car, then I waved my hand in front of her making sure she wasn't peaking.

I get out the car grabbing the basket from the back, then open the car door for Lucy, helping her out of it. I guided her to my favorite part of the park, the biggest sakura tree in the entire park best place to see the sun set, since I get the vibe from her that see likes sunsets. I stop in my tracks.

"Hey stand right here for a minute, but still no peaking." She giggles.

"Alright alright, but hurry up slow poke." I smile.

I lay down the blanket, under the tree taking out some food from the basket, that Happy, Wendy, and Carla help me prepare for Lucy. After placing everything on the blanket, I go over to Lucy take her hands guiding her over to the blanket.

"You can open your eyes now." I say, feeling nervous hoping she'd like it.

Her eyes flutter open adjusting to the sun light in front of us, she looks around smiling. She sits on the blanket looking up on the sakura tree.

"Wow Natsu this is beautiful! And these are all my favorite snacks."  I give her my famous toothy grin.

"Yep Wendy told me your love strawberries, especially when you can dip them in chocolate."  She giggles.

"But how did you know that I always wanted to see a sakura tree?"

I blush, "Well at camp I was listen to you when you were going on and on about it." She smiles.

"Haha sorry, but thanks for listening!" She laughs.

"Well dig in Luce," When I said that she grabbed all the food Brought it closer to her, inhaling all the food, wow she does have a really big appetite, haha me tooo!! I started to eat like a pig as always. But then it hit me, doesn't pregnant ladies eat more than they usually do? Cause when My foster mother was pregnant with Wendy, she always ate a lot.

Then I thought about what Loke said, "She's eating for two." I think I know what he meant by that now. If she is pregnant than the baby would be inside her stomach, and all food goes to people stomach first. Meaning the baby eats whatever she eats too. Oh my god...I'm thinking way too much.  

—-Lucy's pov—-

I looked over at Natsu seeing him looking out at the sunset, thinking. I laughed at him.

"Bahaha Natsu!! Stop thinking before your brain explodes! It's not your thing!!" He turns around looking at me pouting like a child. Haha there's the Natsu I grew to love.

Wait a minute? Love? I mean like not love yeah thats it.

"Hey I think a lot for your information!" Natsu fights back.

All I could do is smile at him, I look at the sun just as Natsu was. I mean sitting here by yourself does make you think about things. Before I could get into deep thought, Natsu started to tickle me.

"Hahahaha Natsu stop it that tickles!!" He laughs at my reactions.

"Look who's thinking now, come on we don't have time for that lets swing on the swings!" He says jumping up running over to the swings.

"Come on Lucy I'll push you!" I thought about how childish this is, but quicky forgot about it since, his childish moments rarely shows.

I run over to Natsu sitting on the swings, as he pushed me from behind.

"I'll get on the swing and swing myself as high as you are now, then let's jump off, Happy and I used to do that when I was younger!" He laughs swinging himself on the swings. "Then we'll see who jumped further!"

I laugh, "Alright your on." I say challenging him.

"Okay Luce count down on 3!" I nod.

"3....2....1" We say in unison, then we were off. We didn't exactly land on our feet, we fell. Once we got up. He challenged me again.

"Lat one to slide is a rotten egg!" He laughed. We raced over to the slide, once we go there he slide down backwards, After he got off I slide down as well.

He takes out his phone looking at the time, "Oh we have to go Lucy." He smiles and grabs my hand and ran to his car.

We were driving for about 5 minutes, next thing I knew we were in front of Levy's house.

"Why are we here Natsu?" He smiles.

"Oh Levy wanted to talk to you after our date, so she asked me to bring you by." I could tell he was lying, cause he scratched the back of his head as per usual, but I shrug it off.

"Okay, thanks for that date Natsu, I had so much fun." I was about to open the door until, he grabbed me by the arm.

"Wait Lucy, I've been meaning to ask you something." I was nervous because of the question.

"Yes what is it?" I rub my arm nervously.

"I need you to be completely honest with me, you're pregnant aren't you?" I look down. while Natsu looked away.


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