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—-Lucy's pov—-

"What you told them?!" I was in the lunch room, sitting in Levy and I favorite spot.

"Come on Lu, they are your best friends I had to talk to someone about this, You can't be that mad that I told our group that your pregnant." I roll my eyes.

"Great I'm going on a date with someone who has a girlfriend, and now this?" Levy giggles.

"Cheer up Lucy, Natsu isn't that bad. And I'm sure he doesn't really like Lisanna I've seen the way he looks at you, and the way he looks at her." she tries to assured me.

"Oh perfect now he's a liar, playing his own damn girlfriend." I spat.

"You need to lighten up Lucy, your not perfect either." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but imagine how Lisanna must feel." I say defending Lisanna.

"You're defending her, seeing how bad she's been treating you lately?" I scratch the back of my head knowing she's right. "Anyways have you decided if your giving up the baby for adoption?"

"No not yet, I think I want to keep my baby, but I need something or someone to show me that I can make it possible to take care of a baby and go to school at the same time." I look down thinking about how Natsu might react to him being a father.

"Well maybe you will find that thing out, if you would just tell Natsu already!!" she cried.

"Yeah I know I'll tell him when its the right time, I don't think it's the right time right now."

—-Levy's pov—-

By the rate she's going she's going to have the baby and tell him once that happens. Lucy needs help, I thought as I faceplamed.

That's why I told the girls, because were planning a baby shower for her. We're here to help her. I think she should keep the baby. And I already know how she can.

—-After school—-

The girls and I are meeting at my house after school to plan for the party, as I was walking home I saw Natsu walking by himself, So I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Natsu!" he turns around.

"Oh hey Levy what's up?" He greets me.

"Nothing I just heard that Lucy finally agreed to finally go on a date with you." He smiles.

"Well yeah Erza threatened me to ask her, it was a life or death situation." hey replies looking scared.

"Okay but what about you and Lisanna?" He seemed confused at first.

"Oh yeah her were like more of a friends with benefits." He scratches the back of his head, acting as if he was caught or something. "I mean yeah she is my girlfriend but we don't like each other other than our sex, well that just goes for me she doesn't let me talk to any other girl without getting jealous." he said like it was nothing.

"So than why do you want Lucy?" I asked in confusion.

"Well ever since that one night, I don't know I just had this urge to just be around her. And since she doesn't even want to be friends, I figured maybe she just doesn't want me. So I decided if I asked her out she could be my girlfriend, then she would be around me more often." He explained.

"So you don't just want my best friend for sex?" I glared at him.

"Haha no?" I looked at him for him to tell the truth. "Maybe I think so when I'm done with her, I already decided I've moved on to the next girl."

"Idiot you can't do that to Lucy, at least not now anyway. She needs you now more than ever, and if you ever hurt her you have Erza and Mira to deal with, and now me." He looked confused.

"Why does she need me?" I facepalmed I see he still doesn't know.

"Ask Lucy, now I have to go, see you later Natsu." He still looked confused.

"Oh wait hold on, why did you guys need me to ask Lucy out? And why do I always have to ask Lucy, she never tells me anything." Oh yeah I forgot to tell him.

"Because we need you to distract her, on the day we are giving her a party." He nods not even asking what the party is for, "You know a baby shower." Thats when he really was confused. I just walked away after that because I didn't want to say anything more, because I wanted Lucy to do it.

When I got to my house all my friends were waiting for me outside of the door.

"Hey guys! sorry I took so long I ran into Natsu." I smiled letting them in.

"So let's start with this party stuff." Carla says impatient.

"Right so what I want you and Wendy to do, is you need to introduce her to a job that could help her with paying for baby stuff, any suggestions?" I asked.

"Oh yeah my parents owns a a daycare, thats how they got the idea of adopting Natsu, at least that's what they told me...I wasn't exactly born yet when they adopted him, But I can try to get her a job there." She said remembering her parents place.

"That's a great Idea child, if we get her a job there that would be great too, while she's at school she can leave the baby there." Carla offered.

"Yeah then she can take the baby home after work, since he or she is already there at the daycare." Wendy smiled.

"Good job guys, Erza and Mira you guys get the food and snacks for everyone." I ordered.

"That means we can order strawberry cake!!" Erza beamed.

"Yeah but if we do your not going to let anyone touch it." Mira laughed.

"Alright now we just need a guest list, Cana and Juvia can work on that." I smiled feeling proud of myself.

"And what are you going to do Levy?" asked Erza.

"Oh yeah well we are having the party here, I can clean up the place." I pointed out.

"Okay well once Juvia is done Juvia can help Levy." I smiled at her.

"Yeah we all can, after we get a drink!" Cana claimed.

"Haha thats a funny joke Cana." Wendy started laughing.

We all laughed on how innocent Wendy is.

—-Natsu's pov—-

A party for Lucy? what for? I asked myself. And what the hell is a baby shower? I'd never heard a party where you wash babies. I'll just ask someone at school tomorrow. I yawned laying down in bed, falling to sleep.

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