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—-Lucy's pov—-

On my way to school I start to think of Loke. Hmm Loke is my boyfriend, that has a nice ring to it. On the way there I see Natsu's arm around Lisanna. "Pff why is he still with her, she cheated on him yesterday." I think to myself.

Ugh I'll just to ignore them as usual, once I get to school my friends run up to me.

"Hey Lucy!" Juvia says. "How was Lucy's date." she smirks.

I smile, "well..." I feel my cheeks get warm. "Let's just say he's my boyfriend now."

"Aww! LuLu! that's so cute!" Levy giggles. "She's even blushing!"

The bell rings and we run into the school, to get to our lockers. We split up except for me and Levy, her locker is next to mine. We unlock our lockers and grab our science books. Before I close my locker I feel a arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Lucy." Loke says greeting me.

I smile and look up to him, "Hey Loke." He smiles back at me and Levy.

Levy, Loke and I walk to class when we finally get there we see Natsu and Lisanna making out at their seats. I just roll my eyes, but then I feel lips on mine. I open my eyes I see Loke kissing me.

—-Natsu's pov—-

Right when Lucy and Loke walked into the classroom, I kissed Lisanna quickly to try to make Lucy jealous. Wait no...I mean the other girls jealous, but getting Lucy jealous would be a bonus. But Loke comes back with kissing Lucy.

Let me explain exactly why we are doing this.


"Yo Natsu!" I turn around to see Loke running up to me, I roll my eyes.

What does he want? "What up?" He stops in front of me resting his hands on his knees breathing in and out. How the hell is he out of breath?  he barley ran anywhere.

"How are you and Lisanna?" I roll my eyes, great another guy that wants Lisanna.

I smirk, 'I think I'm gonna play with this guy a little.' I say to myself. "Why? you jealous?" I say nudging his shoulder a little, with my elbow.

I see him roll his eyes, "No I have my own girlfriend, and she's the hottest girl in school."

"Yeah sure, who is it?" I say resting my arms behind my head, stretching.

He gives me a toothy grin, "It's...Lucy." I swallow my spit choking on it. After finally relaxing, I look at him.

"You're lying." that's all I could say. "Prove it." I say finishing my sentence.

"Fine I will, I'll prove it when we get to class." He rests his hand on his chin. "Let's make a deal, who ever can kiss their girl longer than the other gives the other 10 bucks."

I thought for a minute. "Make it 20 and it's a deal." he shook on it and left each other to go another way.

—-end of flashback—-

Lucy ends up pulling back, I knew she'd do that! I bet she was jealous too.

The bell rings making Lisanna and I break apart, along as Loke and Lucy. Hmm Loke and Lucy..I hate the sound of that. The teacher starts talking and thats when I fall asleep.

After the bell rings to end the class, I get up grabbing Lisanna, kiss her on the cheek, let her go and rush out of the classroom. Only to rush to Lucy's side.

"Hey Loke, you better get going before you're late for class."  I say trying to get him to leave faster, he rolls his eyes.

"Alright I'll see you later Lucy." He says kissing her cheek. She smiles at him, "I'll see you at lunch." He says as he runs off.

Lucy walks right passed me, "Hey wait up Luce." She walks faster making it into the classroom.

"I don't want to talk to you Natsu." I really don't understand why.

"I said I was sorry along time ago," I say grabbing her arm. "What more do I have to do!"

She looks down, great what did I do now? "Get ride of this baby!" I raise an eyebrow. "I'm too young for this!!" She runs out of the classroom, covering her mouth. Ehh I'll just apologize later, and let it slide.

But I do wonder what she meant about the baby? I bet it's nothing, I say continuing to thinking to myself. I hope she was just kidding.

—-Lucy's pov—-

"Ugh! why did I say that!" I say closing the bathroom stall behind me, I never want Natsu to find out about the baby. But I can't keep it in longer, My stomach is beginning to get bigger. And I'm eating so much more than I used to.

I'm going to make sure Natsu never finds out I'll start skipping school once my belly bump gets even bigger. I don't want to be known as the high school mom.

Then it hit me, what if I get an abortion? then no else will know about the baby. And I won't be known as the high school mom. But I don't want to kill the poor thing, Ugh I'm already starting to think like a mother.

I heard someone knock on the bathroom stall. I open it realizing it's Erza. "Hey Lucy what's wrong?" I smile at her.

"Nothing I'm alright, I was just thinking about what I'm going to do about this baby." I say quietly chuckling to myself. She does the same.

"Have you gone to the doctor?" She questions me. I shake my head no, "Have you even told Natsu? He's the father you know he has a right to know."

"Yeah I know.." I say sighing.

"And you know he's gonna find out soon, you're stomach is already starting to show a little." She says looking at my stomach.

"That's if I even have the baby."

—-Lisanna's pov—-

I can't believe it was Lucy he had that one night stand with! You've got to be kidding me. And that dumbass even got her pregnant! I just heard her and Erza talking about it in the bathroom.

What am I supposed to do? My boyfriend got another damn girl pregnant, I'm gonna look like an idiot for dating that stupid idiot!

—-Natsu's pov—-

"Ugh why does it have to be Loke? why does she even have to date right now?" I say complaining to Gray.

He rolls his eyes. "Dude you sound like you're her father."

"Yeah yeah but still doesn't she feel anything after that night?" I sigh.

"Not every girl has to like you." he puts his hands in his pockets.

Yeah I know he's right but still, every girl who does it with me always wants another night. She's different.. "Out of every girl why did it had to be Lucy he dates?"

I know that night Gray wasn't the one who kissed Lisanna he would never do that to me, so we're still best friends.

"Bro are you jealous?"

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