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—-Natsu's pov—-

I'm in the car driving my kids to the daycare, continuing to overthink about things. I look in the rear view mirror, to see Nashi playing with her bear, and Lukas was playing with his as well.

I smile at them.

Lucy hasn't really been talking to many people since she heard the news, I mean she still talks to me a little. And when I said me, I mean she just asks to see Nashi and Lukas on the FaceTime call.

I know her birthday is tomorrow, and sadly she won't be here with me to celebrate it. I'm not sure what to do for her, and if I were to buy her something I don't know what I would buy her.

I was thinking about going to visit her myself like surprise her, but I've got the kids. I'm not sure who would watch them and who I'd trust to do so.

I park the car in front of the day care, and get out the car to open the back seat door where Lukas was. I unbuckle the car seat belt, and pick him up. Closing the door behind me to head to the other side of the door to get Nashi.


I'm in class sitting next to Gray trying to figure out what I should do for Lucy, because she's so upset with what happened with Lisanna and Loke, I just wanna help make her feel better.

"You know you can ask your parents right?" Gray says looking at me, "You do know they take in kids all the time, it's their job pretty much."

I thought about it for a moment, "Shit man your totally right, so I can go see Lucy for her birthday." he rolls his eyes. "But I haven't started my job yet, I probably won't even have enough for a plane ticket."

"I mean you can ask your parents for that too idiot." I put a hand on my chin.

"Hmm I guess your right...but wouldn't that be asking for too much?" Gray sighs.

"You never know until you try, pinkie." I roll my eyes, just as the bell rings.

"Alright alright I got it snowman, I'll see you later!" I say getting up from my seat, turning around to head out the door. Just as I turned, I ran into Lisanna.

Oh great I don't have time for this drama, "Oh! Hey Natsu..I'm sorry I didn't see you there." She looks down as if she was too shy to talk to me. "I mean well I did, but I didn't you know uhh.."

I cut her off, "It's fine Lisanna, look I gotta go." I say walking passed her.

Suddenly I feel her grab my hand, "Wait Natsu I-"

"Lisanna I don't have time for your drama right now." I say snatching my hand away from hers.

She rolls her eyes, "Idiot I was just gonna say I overheard you and Gray talking, and I was just gonna say I can give you money for your plane ticket." I look at her.

"What the hell? Why would you do that? You know I'm going to see Lucy right?" She nods, "Okay than...what's the catch?" Every time she offered to do something for me while we were together, she always wanted something from me in return.

"Nothing..it's just I'm the reason why Lucy is hurting, and I feel terrible about that. And I know you are the only one to help her feel better. So I want you to go see her," my eyes widened.

I thought she was gonna beg for us to get back together. "Thanks Lisanna but..no I'll find some other way to earn this money, I don't wanna take it from you." She rolls her eyes again.

"Natsu...just take it," She says smiling at me, "Here." She grabs my hand and places the money in my hand and runs off, before I could even respond.

I wonder where she even got money? She doesn't have a job.

—-Lisanna's pov—-

"Alright did you do it?" I sigh looking at my sister.

"Yes but that's was so embarrassing...I barley knew what to say to him." I look away. "What made you wanna do this anyway?" I asked.

"Because I want my NaLu ship to sailllllll!" I roll my eyes.

"So you gave me money to give to Natsu, just for that? If that was the case how come you didn't just do it?" She sighs.

"Because I know how sorry you are, and I know that you don't show your emotions most of the time, because it's hard for you. But I wanted you to do it, to show Natsu you actually care, and well...still have a heart." I roll my eyes.

"Well excuse me." I say feeling a little offended, she laughs at me.

"Yeah maybe you guys can somehow forgive one another one day, and actually become good friends." She says.

"But I don't.." I start, but she interrupts me.

"I know but I think it's time for you to move on, he's got kids with someone else, his attention needs to be else where and not on another relationship. Natsu has a one track mind, dealing with too many things at once isn't what he's good at. Give him time to find himself, and than maybe you guys could start talking again, but just as friends. Being in a relationship with one another, isn't healthy for either of you." I sigh knowing she's right.

"Okay...thanks Mira." I say giving her a hug.

"Yeah..anyway Lisanna, what's going on..with you know?"


-Natsu's pov—-

The bell finally rang for the last class, and I rush out the school to go look for Wendy to see if she needs a ride home.

As soon as I exit the school doors, I see a familiar blue headed girl standing in front of the school gates, talking to someone.

"I guess she does need a ride, she never stands there unless she does." I say thinking out loud.

I run up behind her and tap her shoulder, "Hey Wendy looking for me?" She smiles at me.

"Yeah I was." She says laughing.

I look at the person she was talking to and realized it was Romeo, "Hey Natsu! What's up? Where's Happy?" I place my hand on his hand and mess up his hair.

"Hey bro, Happys at the house with Carla I think. He's supposed to be here with Wendy to keep her company at school. But Carla was sick...and than he got sick somehow?" Romeo laughs at me.

"I'm sure he just wanted to stay and be with Carla, pinkie."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah Natsu you didn't know that?" Wendy says laughing at me.

"Damnit! hmph..that little blue cat thinks he can fool me, he's got another thing coming!" They both look at each other and laugh again.

"Natsu I think he already fooled you." Romeo says looking at me.

I roll my eyes, "Let's go Wendy..." I say feeling embarrassed, walking past Romeo, I look back at him and say, "It's also salmon, not pink."


Finally we made it back to the house, we walk up the stairs towards the door, and I unlock it. I walk through the doorway, to see my mom on the couch.

"Hey sweetie! How was your day at school?" She asks Wendy and I.

"It was good mom! I'm gonna head to my room, I've got homework." Wendy says running up the stairs.

"Hey mom I've got a question." She smiles at me.

"Yes what's up?" She looks towards me, "Where's the kids?"

"I called the daycare earlier, I'm picking them up in a few." I smile back at her, "I want to go see Lucy for her birthday...and I was wonderi-"

Before I could finish she cuts me off, "Yes yes! You can go! I'll watch the sweeties, I'm just excited I get to meet them finally!" I laugh at little.

"Thanks mom! Your the best," I say kissing her cheek, than run up the stairs to find Happy, so we can go pick up the kids.

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