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—-Lucy's pov—-

Finally I pushed my damn baby fat head out of me, and I was ready to see it. As the doctor handed me my baby he says.

"Well its a girl." I smile in satisfaction at how beautiful she is. "But wait we're not done yet," He goes back down to where he was before the baby came out. Natsu takes our baby girl from me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused suddenly I felt a huge pain in my stomach again.

"Your having twins. Now get ready to push Miss. Heartfilia" I pushed as hard as I could because I was so over this pushing shit and I wanted every last one out of me.


"Alright almost there, one last big push okay?"

I kept pushing and finally I heard my baby cry. The doctor took the baby to clean it off, finally he hands it to me.

"And finally this one is a boy." I smile.

I look at both of my babies. Noticing every feature about them, My baby boy has blonde hair with onyxes eyes. And my baby girl has pink hair with brown eyes. Natsu seems happy too.

Moments later I came up with my baby girls name, Nashi Lucky Dragneel. And Natsu helped me decided the next one. We named him Igneel Lukas Dragneel. After his step father who he looks up to the most.

Hours later I was finally able to leave this damn hospital I couldn't wait to get home and lay in my own bed, because those damn hospital best are hard as hell.

Natsu drives us back to my house with my babies in the back seat with me, I didn't sit in the front because I didn't have any car seats for them. We made it in front of my house, Natsu helps me out of the car taking both babies for me.

I open the door and head straight up to my room as Natsu followed me. I put the babies in the crib together, they were just sleeping peacfully, I laid on my bed with Natsu as I rest my shoulder on him.

"Are you okay Lucy?" I nodded my head. He smiled, "I'm going to go check on the babies, once I know their okay I'm gonna head out to the store and get somethings for them okay?" I nodded my head again.

"Okay thanks Natsu," He kisses my cheek and left. Suddenly my phone started blowing up.

Levy started to call me and so did Erza and Juvia. I answered Levys call and added everyone on the same line.


"Lucy whats happening? are you alright?" Levy asked.

"Yes I'm okay my babies are sleeping right now." I answered.

"Babies?" Erza asked.

"Lucy has twins? Juvia didn't know." Juvia says, sounding happy.

"Yes I didn't know either until the last minute."

"I mean you could've known if you asked." Levy chuckled.

"I wanted to be surprised." I laugh a little.

"Where the hell is Natsu he better be just in the bathroom or something." Erza angrily asks.

"He went to the store to get somethings for the babies, like we need Car seats and such." I replied.

"What's their names?" She asked again.

"Nashi and Igneel."

"Awww Juvia thinks Nashi and Igneel are cute names." Juvia squeals.

"Hey Lucy I've been meaning to ask you what happened to you and Loke?" My smile turned into a frown.

"She was a bad kisser thats all." Levy laughed.

"Hey! Stop it Lev that's not what happened."

"I know I'm just teasing you."

I thought about our date, just days before I had the baby. We didn't go any where, we just hung out in his car, kissed a little that's pretty much it, and he hasn't called me since. But anyway our conversation went on for awhile, until finally we hung up the phone. Than I thought what if I am a bad kisser?

—-Natsu's pov—-

At the store I decided to buy more things like diapers, car seats,pacifiers, bibs, bottles, some more clothes, and formula. Finally when I felt like I was satisfied with what I bought I went back to Lucy.

On my drive back, I couldn't help but think about being a father and how hard its going to be to watch our kids and go to school. It's crazy I mean honestly I could careless about school I just go because I see my friends and I play basketball and shit, and I need to keep my grades up so I can play basketball.

Finally I made it back in front of Lucy's apartment. I grab every last bag I put in the trunk. Open the door to Lucy's apartment and yell. "I'm back!!"

I put the things I bought away into the cabinets in the kitchen and Lucy comes down stairs to greet me, with a warm smile.

"Hey Luce, how's the kids doing?" she giggled a little.

"I actually just got them to go back to sleep, they were crying the whole time you were gone, Well Nashi woke up Igneel, she cried the minute you left." I smile, hehe what if she likes me better than her. I sure can hold this over her head for a bit. I laugh a little.

"What's so funny, what's going on in that little simple minded head of yours." She glares at me.

Sweat drips down my cheek, "Ooh!! nothing just amazed on how you got them back to sleep!"

She raised her eyebrows, "What are you trying to say, that I don't know the first thing about babies?" I chuckle.

"Yup of course I am," I start to smirk. "You are gonna need me to stay in tac."

"You are one to talk you stupid, pyro!" She picks up a close object next to her, and chases me with it.

"You'll never catch me alive, Looney!!" Calling her that only seem to make her more angry, by the second. I wonder why, it's just a silly nickname. Besides she called me pyro.

"Hey wait.." I chuckle.

"What your out of breathe already?" I turn around to see her with hands on her knees breathing in and out.

"Shut up!!" She smacks me in the head, "I just stopped because I've been meaning to ask you something." My eyebrows raised.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Well it's been bothering me...so since we um..kissed before.." Her face turned red, "Do you think I'm a bad kisser?"

We stared at each other for a second, until I heard something from outside. I jerked my head towards the window. And there was Happy.

"Wow I just came to see the babies..but I guess I came in at the wrong time." he snickered a bit. "Shhhheeee looovees hiiimm."

"AHHH... Shut up you stupid cat!!"

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