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—-Natsu's pov—-

Finally morning, can't wait to get up and see Lucy at school today, even though she abosluty hates me. But I can't let that bring me down.

I walk to Lisanna's house hoping she's already left for school, but sadly no. If anyone is wondering why I won't just break up with her, it's because we'll I do enjoy having her around, well when I want to. I mean its fun so we can date whomever we want, kind of like a open relationship type thing, but not really.

"Hey Natsuuu~!" I roll my eyes, she can be cute sometimes but not right now. "Ready to go?"

I smile gently at her. "Of course I am I was waiting for you remember?"

She smiles taking my hand into hers, running out of the door. I have to deal with Lasagna every morning, although sometimes it isn't all that bad. At least seeing Luigi brightens up my day, well sometimes.

"Wait a minute that didn't seem right?" I say thinking out loud, But I shrug it off.

Next thing I knew we were standing in front of the school, Lucy was about to walk passed us until. "Look Natsu its your side chick." Lisanna crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.

"Nah don't worry babe she means nothing to me," I chuckle wrapping my arms around her.

"Hmm is that so?" Lucy stops in place glaring at both me and Lisanna. Oh shit she wasn't supposed to hear that.

"What's the matter Blondie, why do you care so much I thought you didn't like him?" All Lucy could do is blush and look away.

Maybe she does like me, "No way I would like a loser like Pinkie there." She denied.

Dammit I thought she did, "Well it's okay Luigi, I know you do like me." I teased her.

She looked at me rolling her eyes, while she walked away. What did I say wrong?

—-Lucy's pov—-

Who does he think he is calling me Luigi, and accusing me of liking him? How could I like a senseless idiot like him. Ugh I mean I have Loke anyways. No need to worry about him, I only worry about is his stupid girlfriend Lisanna, she's so intimating it's disgusting. Like she doesn't want no one touching Natsu but her. Just wait till she finds out about the baby. Let's see how much she wants him then.

"LuLu! there you are I've been looking for you everywhere." Levy shouted from behind me. I turn around to see a tired Levy.

I laugh at her, "Ive been here the whole time, you should of known, we have the same class together Lev."

"I know I know I wasn't thinking." She groaned, laying her head on a desk. I wonder what's up with her?

"Are you alright Levy?" I asked.

"No not really, I'm just getting really sick and tired of Gajeel calling me shrimp its annoying, and it exhausting trying to help him learn math." All I could do is laugh at her.

"I thought you had a crush on him, isn't thats why your teaching him? And suddenly he's annoying." I chuckle teasing her.

She begins to blush. "Nevermind that, what's happening with you and Natsu and you know the baby? have you decided yet?"

I roll my eyes. "Decided what yet?"

She facepalms, "Are you kidding me Lu? You know whether to get an abortion, raise the kid yourself or put him or her up for adoption. Or maybe even telling Natsu!" I Covered her mouth at the very end.

"Shut up Natsu could of heard you, I'm not ready to tell him yet." She rolls her eyes.

We both sit back down, but next thing I knew I hear, "Tell me what Lucy?"

I started to freak out, "I..Uhh... I mean you know...that I...umm." Levy smirks. Dammit she did that shit on purpose.

"That...Uhh I think your handsome!" I run out of the classroom feeling embarrassed. Right when I was about to turn the corner I bump into Loke.

"Hey Lucy I was just looking for you." I nod, "I was wondering If a picnic at the park sounds good, for you know our date?" I smile.

"Yep sounds perfect, meet me by the school gate. See ya!"

—-After school—-

I was sitting by the school gate, waiting for Loke until Natsu passed by.

"Hey Natsu wait!" I yell at him.

He turns around confused why I called him over, "Uhh what's up Lucy?" I cross my arms looking down.

"Can you meet me after school tomorrow? I have to tell you something." I look back up at him, playing it off cool.

I have to tell him sooner or later right? "Yeah sure Lucy, we'll meet here I guess." He walks away. While I continue to look for Loke.

"Lucy!!" I turn around seeing Loke rush up to me.

Crossing my arms I look at him. "Leo Lion you made me wait 10 minutes after you said to meet you here."

"I know I'm sorry I had to stay after class." I roll my eyes and grab his hand.

"Okay let's get going then!"

Once we made it to the park we sit in the bench and Loke hands me some fruit and vegetables.

"Do you have any...you know sandwiches or something?" He nods and hands me a turkey sandwich I eat it with one bite and ate like 5 more after.

"Wow for a girl you sure eat a lot." I laugh.

I rub my stomach, "It might be the baby in my tummy who's making my appetite so big," I laugh a little.

I blush looking away, thinking of the night with Natsu.

"Yeah but as stupid as Natsu is, I'm sure he doesn't know," He stands up.

"Wait where you going?" I stand up trying to hold his hand.

He pulls away from me, "No Lucy, I think we should take a break."

"You're breaking up with me...?"

"I can't deal with this, your having some other mans baby.."  He walks away not saying anything to me.

Damnit Natsu..even when your not with me you always ruin something!!

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