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—Lucy's pov—

"Hey Lu..so I heard Natsu came to visit you during the weekend for you birthday." Levy says fan girling.

"Well yeah..but get your mind out the gutter, all we did was catch up...and maybe a little kissing but don't tell anyone!" she laughs a little.

"So what you and Natsu like a thing?" I sigh.

"No I don't think so..we talked about the possibility of being together, but I told him I don't want our relationship to be like his and Lisanna's." I pick up the locket he gave me and admire it, "I want to be the only girl he wants to be with, and I want him to be the only guy I want to be with. I never understood the fact that if you truly love someone, how could you ever entertain the thought of even being with someone else let alone being with someone else."

"Yeah girl I get that, he's gotta get his shit together, you guys have a right to see if you can be a real family, I mean since there's kids in the picture now."  She takes a breath, and continues again. "But you'll be here Monday right? at school?"

"Yeah of course I'll be leaving tomorrow, Natsu left a day early to get back to the kids."

—The following Monday—

Feels like forever since I've been back to school, although I only missed a week. I can't wait to see Nashi and Lukas.

"Lucy! Juvia missed you!" I heard just ask i get ambushed by a bear hug.

I turn to see Wendy, Happy, Carla, and Juvia hugging me.

"Hey guys I've missed you too."

After hugging one another we headed straight to the lunch room, where I was supposed to meet up with Natsu.

I open the lunch room doors and see Natsu sitting in our normal spot with two lunch trays. He turns to look over in my direction and waves and gives a cute little smile, I wave back.

"Oooooh Lushieee lovessss himmm." Happy purrs.

"Oh shut up you stupid Tom cat." Carla growls rolling her eyes.

"Carla be nice!" Wendy says laughing a little.

I laugh at all of them, as we make our way to the table Natsu stand up to greet me.

"Hey Luce how was your flight back here?" He asks hugging me and giving me a peck on my cheek.

I smile, "It was alright a little uncomfortable though. My neck was hurting all night, the chairs aren't that comfortable." He laughs a little.

"That's alright I can rub it later if you want." he says grabbing my hand sitting me next to him, "Oh and I got your lunch as well." He gives me his toothy grin, I can't help but continue to smile.

"The ship has finally saileedddd!!!" yells Mira behind us. I turn around to see her jumping up and down while clapping her hands.

"What ship?" asks Natsu.

"My NaLu ship!! I'm tired of explaining this to you Natsu." She says face palming.

"Yeah I literally just explained it to him last night as well." laughs Wendy.

later after school—

After work Natsu picked me up and dropped me and the kids off at home. I'm now back in their little room, feeling overwhelmingly happy just to be with them again.

Natsu comes up behind me and hugs me around my waist.

"Hey let's go to bed." he says whispering in my ear. "The kids are already asleep Luce." I smile.

"Sure but let's talk for a little." he groans.

"But I'm tiredddd" he whines.

"Come on let's go." I grabbed his hand laughing and lead him into my room.

He sits on my bed patting the spot next to him gesturing for me to sit next to him. "Alright Lucy what's up?"

"I'm ready for us to be together, like a couple. But I would like for you to get tested first. I don't want to do anything with you again until you do. I know you slept around a lot when you were with Lisanna." he sighs.

"Seriously Lucy? how about you why don't you get tested as well." I roll my eyes.

"Stupid your the only person I slept with or did you forget. I didn't sleep with Loke." He scratches the back of his head.

"Alright fine just for you. I'll do anything for us to finally be a family." I smile at him.

"Okay let's lay down." he smiles back.

We lay for a bit and he looks at me, and leans into kiss me.

I kiss him back, but suddenly he pulls away. "Are you sure we can't do anything." he says whining.

"No but just shut up and kiss me silly."

—Next day—

Natsu's pov—

I get out the car after parking it outside the school, and I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Lisanna.

"Hey Natsu." She says smiling at me.

Ugh what does she want now? "What Lisanna?"

She rolls her eyes, "Seriously? No need to be rude I'm just here to ask a question. What's going on with you and Lucy?"

"It's none of your business Lisanna just go away." She gets closer to me resting her hands on my chest.

"Come on Natsu you know once she gets to know you she won't like the real you. Besides you can't even be faithful. You need someone like you." I roll my eyes, and push her off me.

"Who than Lisanna? You? last time I checked I tried to be faithful with you but you go and fuck my friend." She sighs.

"Than what do you want with Lucy? Your just gonna fuck some girl and hurt her." she states.

"I'm trying to change, I want her to help me become a better man. For her and for our kids." I say trying not to lose my cool. "Now if you'll excuse me I've got class." I say and leave her standing there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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