Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...
As Prim goes into the dressing room I sit down and wait. Prim is so beautiful, kind, and very generous.
"Jeez it's been 10 minutes, let's go." I say and laugh.
"I'm coming, hold on!" she yells at me.
She opens the door and steps out. She's wearing a simple but cute outfit that looks adorable on her.
"So, what do you think?" she asks me.
"It looks good and it looks like everything fits alright"
"I'm excuse me ma'am" she asks the store clerk, "I was wondering if I could wear one of the outfits I'm getting today out. I have to meet my parents and the told me to get some new clothes"
"Yes, that's alright"
I look at Prim confused, "I thought we were only getting one outfit"
She shakes her head, "Nope one regular outfit and a dress"
She starts to search the racks and I help her. I think I might've found her a dress but I'm not sure. I go over and get this blue dress, a tighter fit.
I hold up the dress, "How about this one?"
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She nods her head in approval, "I'll try it on, let me just get my size and some black heels"
She goes into the dressing room and comes back out. She looks stunning.
"If you want you can get another dress or outfit just for you that you like not your mother." I say.
"Are you sure?" she asks. I nod my head.
She runs over and grabs a black dress that has a slit at the bottom and a pair of pinkish heels.
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She tries it on and I nod in approval and she goes back in and put on her first outfit I pay the lady and we walk out of the store.
"Thank you, Justin" she says, "Not just for the clothes it was fun."
"Hey no problem! You looked great in all those outfits." I say and she looks away.
"SMILE!" I yell and take 10 pictures of her hoping one turns out good.
"JUSTIN!" she yells.
I run up to her and start to tickle her sides. She starts to giggle.
"Justin! Justin! JUSTIN!" she says each time even louder.
I wrap her in a hug. She hugs me back. Prim looks at her phone.
"Oh my gosh! Its already 2:00! I have to go thank you again for the clothes I had a wonderful time I'll text you later!" she says quickly and runs off to her car.
I go to mine. Once I reach my house I look at the pictures I took and smile.