Hope you like this chapter, comment!!!! If you have anything you need like help with a problem message me!! I didn't get kik by the way... here's your update!! Enjoy!! Important author note at the end make sure to read it!!
**Prim's Point of View**
My jaw drops when Scooter says I'm going to be a dancer.
"A dancer?" I ask.
"Mhm seeing you have 14 year experience and Aubree has a broken leg." Scooter says looking at papers.
"Um are you sure, I was just thinking about helping Karla or something but not a dancer!" I say my voice slightly raising.
"Well then if you want to help Karla I guess you can. Justin, we will have to find a new dancer then." Scooter says disappointedly ( a/n is that a word?).
"Fine, I'll do it." I say.
Scooter smiles and hands me a paper and I see times, names, and places for me to sign.
"Here is your schedule. You'll be having some private practices with either Justin, Johnny, or one of the other dancers. I just need you to sign here and here." Scooter says.
I look at Justin who smiles at me. He looks so happy finding out that I'll be with him on stage. I focus my attention back on the papers and I read everything before I sign.
I sign my name in two places and Han the papers back to Scooter.
"Thank you and welcome to the team." Scooter smiles and hands me a sweatshirt.
I look at the sweatshirt. On the left sleeve it says Purpose Tour 2016. On the back of the sweatshirt it says Bieber. I smile, I'm now apart of this.
I look down at my schedule trying to figure everything out and I have to get dance clothes instead of wearing one of Justin's t-shirts and black skinny jeans.
I keep on Justin's shirt and put on a pair of black leggings and tennis shoes.
I walk into dance studio 3 and wait for whoever is teaching me to show up. I hear the door click and look up.
"Hi you must be Prim! I'm Johnny or John whatever you say is fine. So let's get you stretched and started on the routine for Where Are Ü Now."
I nod and smile. John tells me how to stretch out my muscles, even though I know must of the stretches from when I did dance.
John turns on Where Are Ü Now over the speakers and tells me to follow him. I try to follow him for most of it but end up behind after the second verse.
"Ok that was a start!" Johnny says cheerfully, "You did really good, you have a lot of potential. Let's run that a couple more times and then you have a session with Justin I believe."
We run the dance a couple more times and the music shuts off.
"What happened?" I ask.
"I don't know I'll look at my phone." he goes over to his phone, "It died."
"Oh, I have the song so I can hook my phone up to the speaker." I say.
"We are done anyways. It was nice to meet you and you did really good Justin should be coming in shortly so just wait here." Johnny waves to me and walk out of the room.
I go on my phone and start to play Where Are Ü Now. I practice the dance and I the door behind me. I look up into the mirror and see Justin comes in. I ignore him and continue to dance to the song.
When my music shuts off I turn around and smile at Justin.
"Welcome to dance 101!" Justin says in a stupid accent, "Today we will be learning the dance to Sorry preformed by me! JUSTIN BEIEBR!!"
I laugh and he runs up to me.
"No Justin stop!!" I yell giggling as he tickles me.
"Stop fooling around you too." a voice yells from behind us.
We both quickly turn around and see Scooter, standing there.
"Sorry Scooter." Justin says, "Just having some fun."
Scooter leaves and Justin starts teaching me the dance for Sorry.
"Good job today. Be in studio 5 at 2:00 make sure to show up a little early." Justin says and gives me a hug, "Why do you smell like me?"
I start to giggle and try to run away,
"You're wearing my favorite shirt! How dare you?!"I start to run with Justin chasing me. I climb onto the one bench and steadily run across it.
When I jump off Justin runs up and gives me a squeeze.
"Give me my shirt back!"
"I don't have any other shirts with me!" I yell and try to escape the hug.
I really like Justin. I really do.
Hope you liked the chapter comment your thoughts, opinions, ideas for future chapters...Chapter Question: what do you like about this book?
Also here is the very important part... I'm think about writing a book about a girl who gets adopted. Who should she get adopted by. Justin Bieber? 1D? Or comment any other celebrities give me some ideas too, like names, how she got to the orphanage, age, any problems. Also tell me if you would read a book like that thank you!!!
Hope you all have a good day! Stay positive!! I hope to update again!!!
Love you all!!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...