Enjoy guys.
**Prim's Point of View**
I sit there looking at the coffee table as Justin stares at me.
"Baby." Justin says, "I need to see. Come on let's go upstairs to the room I booked."
"No Justin. I can't let you see." I say.
"Prim, I love you so much. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you." Justin says.
I play with my fingers and stay where I am. Justin walks over and picks me up.
He runs to the elevator and presses the button. The doors open and I struggle to get of his hold.
"Please Justin! I can't let you see them, you'll think I'm ugly."
"What did you just say?" Justin says in shock.
"Oh you said something. I heard it."
He storms out of the elevator and goes to the door 397. He unlocks the door and walks in.
I get laid down on the bed and Justin stands with his arms crossed.
"Please don't make me do this." I say.
"Princess, I'll see sooner or later. But since you're in pain I have to see now."
He comes over to me and tries to take off my top but I pull the blanket up over me.
Justin takes the blanket off me and takes off my shirt. I curl up in a ball and feel the bed go down next to me.
I peek one eye out and Justin looks at me. He rubs my arm and makes a sad face.
"Please, let me take off the bandages."
"No, I'm ugly." I say.
"Don't you dare say that. You'll always be beautiful and I know it." Justin says.
I release from my "ball" position and Justin reaches to my stomach and unclips the bandages.
He slowly removes them from my body and when they're fully off his eyes go wide.
Tears slowly stream down his check as his fingers trace over them.
"Princess, I'm so sorry." he says.
"Don't look at me any longer." I say.
"Look at me." Justin says.
I turn my head away and keep looking down at the bed. Justin's fingers turn my head towards him and he looks me into the eyes.
"You are beautiful no matter what. Scars or no scars I love you. You are gorgeous. What hurts me is you don't believe that. You think I believe you're ugly. No you're not. You are the most beautiful creation God made. When I look at you I get nothing but the feeling of love. You are beautiful and you need to know that." Justin says.
He pulls my body to his and hugs me. His tears land on my shoulder and Justin rubs my back.
"D-Don't ever say you're ugly ever
Hope you guys enjoyed. Please leave some comments.Answer these questions:
•what do you think of how Prim reacted to Justin wanting to see her scars?
•what should happen next?
•should they go home?
•should Pattie come and visit?
•or should Jeremy, Jazzy, and Jaxon come and visit?NOT UPDATING UNTIL I GET 15 READS, 2 VOTES, AND 3 COMMENTS.
love you all so very much.
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...