sorry I didn't update yesterday I was super busy. enjoy!
**Prim's Point of View**
I listen to Justin's calming voice as my breathing starts to slow down. Justin rubs my left side to try to get it to stop hurting and it helps a little.
My doctor comes in and says something to Pattie and she nods. After the doctor is done speaking she and Meajor leave the room.
"Alright you two." the doctor says shutting the door, "Let's see how you're healing."
He comes to the bed we're in and looks at where we got surgery. He checks Justin first and says everything is healing good.
After he comes to me and I flinch when he touches me. I bury face back into Justin's shirt and hold on to him.
"So you both look good but we want to keep you here for a little while." the doctor says, "Also, you guys might want to shower in a little while to wash off the residue from your surgery."
He leaves the room and Pattie comes back in.
"Hey guys, how are you feeling?"
"I guess ok." Justin says.
"How about you Prim?"
"Mom, she's not feeling too well and I don't think she wants to take about it." Justin says while hugging my body.
I lightly kiss his rib cage and close my eyes. I wish this had never happened. I wish Justin and I were ok.
But if I can't at least Justin. That's all I want, for him to be alright.
"Hey baby." Justin says quietly.
I look up at Justin and he smiles.
"Come on let's go take a shower." he says.
He sits up and pulls me onto his lap. I wrap my arms around his neck and place my head in the crook of his neck.
He picks me up by my thighs and carries me to the bathroom. Justin closes and locks the door then turns back to me.
"Let's get you cleaned up princess." Justin says turning on the water.
He plugs the tub and takes off my clothes for me. Justin picks me back up and sits me in the tub.
He wets my hair and puts in shampoo and conditioner.
"If you ever want to talk to someone about something I'm here for you."
I nod my head and Justin kisses my forehead. After Justin takes me out of the bath and wraps my body in a towel.
"I'll be back, I'm going to ask my mom to go to my car and get the bag of clothes I packed just in case."
I nod and sit on the counter. After a couple of minutes Justin comes back and places the bag on the floor.
He stands me up and takes out a pair of his boxers. Justin puts them on me and slips over my head one of his shirts.
"Do you want to go to sleep after I shower?" he asks.
"Y-Yes plea-se." I try to say.
"Alright, do you want to stay in here or go to the bed."
"Ok, come here."
He motions to me and opens his arms. I wrap my arms around him and he rubs my back.
After Justin showers he picks me up bridal styler and lays me back in the bed.
Pattie says goodnight to Justin and then leaves the room. Meajor comes up to me and hugs me.
"Night kiddo, sleep good." Meajor says and kisses my forehead then leaves.
Justin gets in the bed and I curl back into Justin's side. He kisses my head and whispers me something.
"I-I love y-you."
Hope you all enjoyed. Please leave some comments.when should prim and justin get released from the hospital?
Love you all so very much.
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️
*not edited*

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...