Y'all so funny. Love you❤️🙈 Enjoy!
**Justin's Point of View**
"Prim?" I say.
A beep holds out longer than a heart beat. I look at the monitor.
"Prim?" I say louder.
I feel for a pulse but can't feel one. I run out of the room.
"HELP! I need help!" I yell.
A nurse rushes to me, "What's the matter?"
"She s-stopped breathing." I say, tears running down my face.
A team of doctors run into the room. They're about to close to door but I stop them.
"Please let me in. I need to be with her."
"I'm sorry but it's not allowed for someone to be in the room, with no medical experience, by a patient who is nod breathing."
They move my foot and close the door. I sink to floor.
What if Prim doesn't make it? What if she's forever gone? What will I do with myself? I can't go back on tour. I'd break down everyday.
"Sir, you have to wait out there." a nurse says and points to the waiting room.
I get up, wipe my tears and go into the waiting room.
(AHHH this is so hard to write! My hand is in an ace wrap and it keeps slipping out of my hands.)
Why does this have to happen to me? Why does this happen to Prim?
I decide to call my mom. I want to talk to her. She makes me happy and I love her so much.
"Mom?" I say into the phone.
"Hi honey, what's wrong?"
"P-Prim had an allergic reaction and when I-I was with her in her room. She stopped breathing and I'm still not sure if she is now."
"Oh, honey I'm so sorry! I wish I could help you."
"Mom, what if she's not ok? I can't live without her. She means so much to me and if I lose her, I lose who I love."
"Justin, don't think like that! Just stay positive. I have to get back to work. I love you so much. Text me updates."
Before I can say bye she hangs up.
What am I going to do? I want Prim. She's mine and I love her. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.
I want to have a family with Prim. I want her to be mine forever. I want to go to bed every night with Prim by my side. When I wake up I see her, my beautiful angel.
All these thoughts running through my head snap me out of reality.
But one thing snaps me back in.
"Prim Slocum?"
Short author note.Was it good?
Please comment! Y'all so funny and sweet.
Love you all very much!
2k to go?
Much Love!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...