Goal: 20k reads by October 21! Help make it happen! Please! There is 15.8k reads as of now... enjoy the update!!
**Justin's Point of View**
I lay down next to Prim and she smiles. She lays her head down on my shoulder and I rub her arm.
"You ok?" I ask her.
She nods her head and I know she's not. She'll probably be sore. Most people are after they have sex.
"Come on baby, get dressed. We're late and you know Scooter." I say.
She nods her head and slowly gets up. I chuckle a bit, she's sore. I can see it.
Prim puts on her clothes and grabs her bag. I get dressed and I grab my phone and hers.
We go outside and grab a cab to the restaurant we were suppose to be at half hour ago.
I run around the other side of the car and get in. I feel Prim's phone buzz in my hands.
"Prim, baby, you got a text." I say.
"What does it say?" she asks.
I look down and see its from Ryan. I recognize the number. How did he get it?
"Um... well it says 'I can't believe you haven't lost your virginity. I can help you with that'" I say.
"You're joking." she says.
"Prim! I am not joking! I recognize the number it's Ryan." I say louder.
The cab pulls into the parking lot and we quickly get out. We rush into the restaurant and we find Scooter.
"Justin! I told you to be here before 7:30 and you show up at 8:15!" Scooter says almost yelling.
"Sorry, we just went shopping." I say.
"Where are the bags?" he asks.
"Either something was too small of too big. The didn't have the correct sizes." I say.
Prim and I order some food and I can tell Scooter is on to us. If he finds out he's going to be angry and Prim will feel it's her fault.
About 10 minutes later Scooter finally speaks and breaks the awkward silence.
"Prim?" Scooter says and Prim looks up, "Why is your shirt inside out?"
Prim looks down at her shirt and I try not to laugh.
"Uh well–I was–uh trying on clothes and I must've put my shirt on inside out." she says.
**Prim's Point of View**
I can't believe my shirt is inside out! If Scooter finds out this can go all over the media. Justin could get hate, I don't want that.
I poke at my food and Justin puts his hand on my leg. I look at him and he smiles. I finish eating and I sit there.
I stare at my plate and listen to the clatter of plates. Justin and I leave to go back to the hotel while Scooter goes to get groceries.
"Justin" I say facing him in the couch, "What will happen if Scooter finds out?"
"Finds out what?" he asks with a smirk.
"That we had sex." I say quietly.
He laughs and pulls me onto lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and looks me in the eye.
"He won't and if he does who cares. We're aloud to do what we want to."
Justin lightly kisses me and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Sore?" Justin asks.
I nod my head and laughs a little. He rubs my back and I fall asleep on him.
**Justin's Point of View**
I hear Prim softly breathing and I smile. I turn off the tv and stand up.
I walk to the bed and climb in, still with Prim laying on top of me. I kiss her cheek lightly and I fall asleep.
I know, boring chapter. Please comments and ideas and I will update faster.I plan on updating when this gets 2-4 ideas. And 20 reads...
Just do you know the outlook.
Love you guys!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...