Hey guys! Here's your update but real quick I want to say my goal. I want to have at least 20k reads by my birthday which is October 21 if this book still continues which I hope it does! Love you guys!!!! Enjoy!
**Prim's Point of View**
Later on I found out more about Jason. His past goes like this:
•his parents died in a car crash when he was three
•he was put up for adoption but later suffered from heart problems and headaches the same year his parents died
•he was in and out of the hospital until a strange seizure happened
•this lead him to be in the hospital for 5-7 years
• the doctors didn't know what was wrong with Jason until his third year and was diagnosed with leukemia
•even though he has only a couple months to live he wants to down a day with Justin and I out of the hospital
•he's been a fan of Justin's and Justin's music helps calm Jason down.I look up at Justin, who is teaching Jason how to play the guitar and smile. I can see how happy Jason is and I know how much this means to him.
"Ok you three we are going to go to the movies today!" the nurse happily chimes.
She goes over to Jason and helps him get into a wheel chair. I smile at him and he cheeks turn pink. I giggle and Justin shoots me a look.
All three of us are wheeled outside of the building into an ambulance.
"So, what movie do you want to see Jason?" I ask him.
"Um–I don't know yet!"
I smile at him and I look at Justin. He smiles but I know there's something on his mind. Whatever it is I don't really want to know.
"When do you guys leave?" Jason asks.
"I think in a few days will get the discharges." Justin says.
"I meant for your tour."
"Oh that's in about a week maybe." Justin says.
I wonder if he know that he's a fan. I've been able to tell the fans between the Beliebers. I think Jason's in the middle.
He got excited to see Justin but not like, 'OH MY GOD IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER SOMEONE HELP ME IM GONNA DIE!'. (that'd probably be me). He's close to a Belieber though. I'm deep in thought when we get to the movie theater.
Justin and I have to put on disguises until we get into the theater. We get our tickets to Sausage Party (I don't know so don't judge I saw it in a sign the other day I've never seen it before or have seen a trailer sooo) We go down the hall to theater 5 and we find seats, the nurses helping us in them.
**Justin's Point of View**
I knew this is for the kid but I don't really want to see sausage party or whatever it's called. I think he might have feelings for Prim.
He better back off.
Sorry for the shirt but filler chapter I'm so tired I want to sleep I have like 7.5 hours of sleep left BLAH!!!Was this good?
Love you guys!!!!
xoxo ~Cassie❤️
P.S more to come of fun day

Texting Justin Bieber
FanfictionPART ONE: Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...