Justin gets drunk and texts the wrong number, the girl he texts does not want anything to do with him but keeps texting him anyways. She doesn't believe that he's Justin Bieber but she meets him, they become best friends, Justin ends up fa...
"Where's Prim? Where's my baby? Is she ok?" Justin says and starts to cry.
"What do you think man!" I yell at him.
He looks at me with sad eyes. What's up with him?
First he goes all bazonkers and now he's crying? What the hell.
"Where is she?" he says tears streaming down his face.
"She's downstairs." I say.
"Is she waiting for me?" he asks.
"No, she almost died because of you! You tried to kill her."
He looks at me and starts to stutter.
"I-I did what-t"
"You tried to kill her!" I yell.
"I tried to k-kill her?" he says with his eyes wide.
I nod my head and more tears fall.
"Is she ok? Where is she? Can I see her?" he says trying to get out of the bed.
I run out of the room and get one of the doctors attention.
"He's up." I say.
The medical team rushes in and tells me I have to wait in the waiting room.
I decide to go see Prim to see how she's doing. I walk in and she smiles at me.
"Hey." she says.
"How you feeling."
"Alright I guess." she says.
"Justin's up." I say clearing my throat.
She turns towards me and her eyes go wide.
"What'd he say?"
"He's wants to see you. He woke up crying and asked where you were. I told him that he almost killed you and it's like he didn't even remember." I say.
"He doesn't remember?"
I shake my head no and she looks at me confused.
"Well is he ok?" Prim asks.
"I don't know, a medical team is in there now." I say.
**Justin's Point of View**
Meajor runs out the door and a team or doctors come in.
"Where's Prim!" I say.
"Sweetie we'll get you her when we can. You just need to work with us right now. If you do I promise I'll get her for you ." a lady says.
I nod my head and look down to see what the doctors are doing. I see them putting a bunch of needles in my arm.
"Please let me see her!"
"No! We need to know why you tried to kill her."
The thought comes back to my mind and I start to cry.
**Prim's Point of View**
I wait up a little to see if Justin's doctors will tell me anything, but nothing happens.
I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
"Prim wake up." a voice says shaking me.
I stir awake and see a wheel chair.
"Come on you can go see Justin."
I throw the covers off and Meajor slows me down.
"Woah, stop! He'll still be there. Don't worry." Meajor says.
I get in the wheelchair and I push myself really fast to the elevator. I hit the up button a couple times before it opens.
I get into the elevator and hit two. Meajor runs trough the doors before the close.
I get out of the elevator and wheel myself to Justin's door.
I hesitate before reaching for the doorknob and opening the door.
************ Hope you guys enjoyed. Please comment and vote.
(feel like this sucked)
Love y'all.
Much Love.
xoxo ~Cassie❤️
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